Blurb: Elizabeth Fanning’s life looks pretty perfect, judging by the diamond ring on her finger. Her fiancé, Landon, is sweet, handsome, and hilarious. The trouble is, before they’ve even tied the knot, their sex life has gone from mind-blowing to “meh”—and Liz isn’t ready to be part of an old married couple. After a cathartic call to her best friend, Liz comes up with a brilliant idea. She and Landon may never be able to re-create the magic of their first time, but how amazing would their wedding night be if everything below the neck was off-limits until then?
Liz thinks it’ll bring them closer together. Landon’s convinced she’ll cave first. So they raise the stakes: Whoever lasts longer gets to pick their honeymoon destination. With her heart set on the Bahamas and Landon fighting for snowbound Utah, Liz simply has to win. But pretty soon, her body is screaming for attention, and Landon’s never seemed so far away. Has Liz’s experiment backfired? Losing their little competition would be frustrating—but the one thing she can’t afford to lose is him.
4 Stars
This is the first book in this quasi-series. They are all kinda stand-alone but the characters all know each other. I actually read the second book first and didn’t know. They are both really good books. I am on this Cassie Mae kick where I am trying to read all her books, which is very difficult because I read so voraciously, I’m reading like four books at a time.
But this one was like the most realist literally fiction I have ever read. (laughs) It was like looking into my life. The whole peas and carrots thing, oh my gosh! I don’t know any married couple that hasn’t had this happen to them before. It’s kinda funny how she did it before they were married. Which was never really a problem for us. For us, it was more after the kid was born. Which may be a little bit TMI for you, but eff it, I don’t care.
Favorite quotes:
I turn to him, and he’s concentrating on the ceiling as well. My eyes skate down his body and I watch as his hard drive morphs into a floppy disc.
It’s funny, for so long I’ve wanted to know the story after the happy ending. What happens to the couple once they find each other, consummate their relationship, and get past their demons? Now that I’m in that story, I get why no one talks about this. I’m in love, so that pretty much trumps all the other crap.
Cassie Mae is just so quotable. She has this way of making an awkward moment endearing. I just love how she weaves her stories to mimic real life. At least in my case. I don’t know how she taps into that emotion but she is phenomenal at it.
Just go read all her books. Like, right now. And if you can’t afford them. (I don’t see how since they are all moderately priced.) Come see me, I may be able to loan them to you.
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