Blurb: People remember Nicki Montgomery as the girl who tried to win over BMX rider and Xtreme Bachelor, Travis Grayson. She was all smiles and snark, which made her the most hated girl on reality TV and the perfect choice for the first bachelorette to have her own show.
Twenty extreme athletes vying for your attention should be every girl’s dream, but all Nicki can see is that she’s being shipped off to the middle of nowhere Oklahoma and every single date includes some type of physical activity. Neither of which fit with her elite Chicago lifestyle.
The biggest problem with going on the show is Nicki doesn’t want to play the part. She doesn’t want to be hated. Everything from her smile to her perfect family life is fake and she’s sick of living the lie. All Nicki wants is for someone to see the person she really is.
When the final choice is made, Nicki has to be ready to break a few hearts to find what she needs, maybe even her own.
5 stars
I don’t even know how to begin this review. I may be a bit bias, I mean, did you see the dedication? I may have cried when I read it. This book was such a breath of fresh air in a closed off room. I’m a sucker for a great love story and this one fit the bill and then some. I LOVED it. It’s highly original, full of witty dialogue along with some pretty steamy scenes. And the chemistry! ::swoon:: Dear god, she writes them so effing good.
I had a love/ hate relationship with Nicki throughout the book. I felt how sincere she was in her want to change, not only how people saw her, but how she saw herself as well. And we get to know Nicki on a very personal level in this book. And it was glorious, she was such a well rounded character. At times I found her to be a bit immature and petty making me a bit irritated and then, BAM! She would show this inner strength that just astounded me. The author made me FEEL so many emotions with regards to her that I realized how much I had actually come to care about this character. And while I do tend to become invested in the characters of the books I read, this one will always hold a unique place in my giant book heart.
And Nicki isn’t the only one who shined in this story. Bridget was what I would expect my BFF to say to me. She supported Nicki throughout and gave her the tough love she needed when Nicki started to back slide into her old ways. Cooper was….well I don’t want to ruin it for you. But suffice it to say that all the guys were distinct and memorable. Especially…… LOL, no I could NEVER do that to you guys. I will say the one she ends up with was NOT who I had thought it would be.
Go go forth and read it! I promise you will not regret it.
[…] Finding Me (Xtreme Bachelor #2) by Caylie Marcoe — released October 18th, 2017. I had the immense pleasure of alpha and beta reading this book. It’s pretty fantastic. And I Flove the cover! Read my review here. […]
[…] Finding Me (Xtreme Bachelor) by Caylie Marcoe – Curly Carla @Celebrity Readers […]