(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon)
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in which you make a list of ten to do with a certain topic. This week’s topic is “Books I Enjoyed Recently (last yearish) That Weren’t My Typical Genre/Type of Book (or that was out of your comfort zone).”
Lenoreo’s Top Ten:
OK, I will admit that this was a really hard topic for me, b/c I do NOT stray from my typical genres… So I had to stretch it a little bit to get to ten (in that I had to go beyond the last year, and “not my typical genre” may have been stretched too).
- Moon Spell by Samantha Young — I just recently got back into my paranormal readings, and I tend to stay away from werewolf books for no particular reason. But I had this series in my TBR pile, and actually enjoyed it in general.
- Ride the Wind by Starla Hutchton — I tend to shy away from high fantasy and historical books, preferring contemporary/casual language. But this fairytale retelling had me captured despite that.
- Mismatched in Love by Jolene Betty Perry — I’m not a huge reader of religious fiction, since, you know, I’m not religious. But I’ve read other books by this author and loved them, and this one was a treat despite it’s religious tones.
- The Legacy Human by Susan Kaye Quinn — I’m not a huge reader of sci-fi, so I’m counting this one as out of my typical genres…
- The Telepath Chronicles by Various — An anthology of short sci-fi stories — don’t tend to read a lot of short stories, and don’t tend to read a lot of sci-fi…particularly if it doesn’t contain romance.
- Haven by A.R. Ivanovich — This one had elements of fantasy and steampunk to it, both of which I tend to shy away from…and yet I LOVED this one!! Really need to get back to it and read more in this series.
- Darkhouse by Karina Halle — This one is kind of horror light (horror for me anyways), and yet I enjoyed myself b/c I really enjoyed the heroine.
- The Tears of Elios by Crista McHugh — This was a fantasy book that I got sucked into, and I’ve been waiting a few years for a sequel…:(
- And All the Stars by Andrea K. Host — This wasn’t so much b/c it’s sci-fi as much as the very fancy way it was written…it had a more literary feel than the books I tend to gravitate towards.
- The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson — Another book with a fantasy/historical feel that I ended up really loving. But by the time the next books came out, it went up in price hugely and so I’ve never gotten back to it.
I’ve been wanting to read The Telepath Chronicles because there is a story in there from Theresa Kay and I am obsessed with her books! And I have Darkhouse by Karina Halle on my Kindle but I’m scared to start that series. Her Artists Trilogy was such an intense take on NA, so I can’t even fathom her take on a horror. Someday I’ll pick up both of these books. Great list, Lenore!
I’m a beta reader for Theresa Kay!!! So I’m equally as obsessed with her — she’s an amazing writer! And her short story was the reason I read the anthology in the first place…it was a great addition!
I’ve only read the first book in the Artists Trilogy by Karina Halle — it was a bit too intense for me. Her Experiment in Terror series is intense too, but in a different way. I’m just not too good with horror and being scared, but that series is one of my good friends favourites, so I had to give it a try.
That is amazing that you are a beta reader for Theresa Kay!! I ♥ her stories! And I am dying to know how Shattered Stars ends and what will become of Jax & Lir! Especially after Fractured Suns, my heart still hurts thinking about……well I’m sure you know. I can’t wait for whenever the release day will be!
That’s how The Artists Trilogy was. Intense, dark, entirely messed up, but very addicting. I’m not good with horror either and I’ll probably end up sleeping with every light on in the house when I do read it someday lol.
They all sound awesome! Girl of Fire and Thorns is on my TBR, along with a few others, I think (so out of control…). Here’s My TTT