(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon)
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in which you make a list of ten to do with a certain topic. This week’s topic is “Beach Reads Week — top ten great beach reads, ten books I plan to read on the beach, ten beach reads for those who don’t like typical ~beach reads~, ten authors who are my go-to for beach reads, etc.” I went with great summer/beach reads!
Lenoreo’s Top Twenty:
OK, I’m not sure what I would personally qualify as a beach read in my mind, so I guess I went with books that take place in the summer…because that’s what I like to read about on the beach. They just get you in the right mood! And I had a hard time paring down the list, so I just didn’t. 😛
- Four Summers by Nyrae Dawn — LOVED the concept of seeing 4 magical summers for Charlotte and Nathan. It just had so much magic and yet realism.
- The Truth About Forever and Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen — I finally tried some Sarah Dessen books after hearing so much about her (and having them finally go on a sale I could afford), and I thoroughly enjoyed them. Perfect YA summer reads full of growth and intriguing characters.
- Him by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy — Mmmm….goddamn this book was hot! Hockey summer camp? Yes please. Especially since it was so much more. See my review here.
- Road to Somewhere by Kelley Lynn and Jenny S. Morris — This book blew me away. It was an awesome YA coming of age story that I just wasn’t expecting. And with a delicious little side romance. And a fabulous sister relationship. Yup, good stuff.
- Unlikely Allies by Tiffany King — Oh how I love Ms. King’s YAs. And this one had great suspense and lots of emotion. Can’t wait to meet her in less than a month.
- Snapshot by Angie Stanton — Even though this is the second book in the series, it can still be read as a standalone, and had a great summer feel to it with lots of heart and emotion.
- The Real Thing by Cassie Mae — One of my favourite beta boys evar, Eric is just everything. And Eric and Mia’s sweet romance had all the summer hotness.
- On The Island by Tracey Garvis-Graves — This book was made for the beach!! I mean, stranded on an island? It’s perfection! And I reread it just last fall and loved it just as much the second time around, see my review here.
- Appaloosa Summer by Tudor Robins — OK, really the whole Island Trilogy belongs on this list — it’s fantastic summer time YA goodness. See my review here.
- Just a Little Flirt and Just a Little Kiss by Renita Pizzitola — SO MUCH NA GOODNESS!! Loved both of these books, and they have great humour, snark, chemistry and just awesomeness on a college summer vacation.
- My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick — I didn’t love this one quite as much as many others did, but the whole Garrett family just put this book on the map for me.
- This Is What Happy Looks Like by Jennifer E. Smith — I ended this one with a big grin on my face. Movie star meets ordinary person? Yes please.
- Serial Hottie by Kelly Oram — This book was full of fun, hilarity and hijinks. Loved Ellie, she was just spunky and awesome.
- Breathless by Krista McLaughlin — The quirky adorable hero, Jon, made this whole book worth it. The story was sweet, innocent, almost too cheesy, and with some surprising depth in places.
- The Summer I Found You by Jolene Perry — Great mature YA read with at times painfully realistic characters. And bonus, it’s a diverse read!
- The Road To You by Marilyn Brant — Fabulous mystery read, and I even thoroughly enjoyed that it was set in the 70s and all the touches that came along with that!
- Effortless With You by Lizzy Charles — Lucy was a bit hard to warm up to, b/c she was actually a realistic teenager, but it was nice to watch her grow up over the summer. And the book definitely ended with me smiling from ear to ear. I still need to read book 2.
- Falling for the Ghost of You by Nicole Christie — I honestly don’t remember this one too well, just that I really enjoyed it and enjoyed the characters. Reading my review makes me want to reread the book though…
So those are my recommendations! I hope you find something perfect for your summer of reading! So hit me with what makes a great beach read for you?? What are some of your recs? Or please link me to your lists, I’d love to come check them out!! Thanks for visiting!
Ooh you have some great summer reads here! I just loved On the Island and My Life Next Door. Plus, you can never go wrong with Sarah Dessen. Happy summer reading!
Happy summer reading to you too!! 🙂
I absolutely adored The Summer I Found You. Such a good book! Great list. 🙂
Thank you!! 🙂
My Life Next Door has made it to a number of lists today, I can’t wait to read it. Great List, I haven’t read any of the books that you have mentioned but will definitely look it up.
Here are my summer reads:https://dwgitau.wordpress.com/2016/05/31/top-ten-tuesday-beach-reads/
Hope you find some books that match up with you and have a great summer of reading!
I really really struggled with This is What Happy Looks Like, in fact I nearly gave up on it a few times. I LOVED My Life Next Door though, keep seeing that one everywhere today.
I really really want to read Him. I read all of Sarina Bowen’s Ivy Years series and loved it, so no doubt I will love this one too!
I liked The Summer I Found You, but as a Type 1 Diabetic also found Kate incredibly frustrating! Yes, she had been dealt a rubbish hand, but there are people in far worse situations (example: Aiden!) and the fact that she just kept ignoring her health really bugged me!
I love Sarina Bowen, and Him was spectacular! I hope you love it!!
Yeah, Kate from The Summer I Found You was a struggle to like. That’s the thing I always find interesting and challenging about Jolene Perry’s characters — they can behave quite badly, but in some ways that’s more real to life you know? But yeah, Aiden was definitely the savior of that book for me.
The Truth About Forever is an excellent summer time read!
Thanks for visiting my blog earlier.
So many options, and I haven’t read a single one :p I’ll look on the bright side and say that at least I have more things to add to my wishlist! 🙂
Great list!
My TTT.</a
Thank you! 🙂
Along For The Ride, also made my list! I think that EVERY Sarah Dessen book, no matter what season it is in the story, is a great summer read! I can’t wait to finish all of her books 😀
My Top Ten Tuesday!
I’ve only read the 2 of hers b/c I’m so cheap and managed to score those on sale! But she definitely has a writing voice that speaks to me…
Sarah Dessen is absolutely a summer reading staple. Just wish she wrote faster. 🙂
The Truth About Forever is probably my favorite Sarah Dessen book. I used to read everything from her way back in the day and still remember this book fondly. I love the cover for Appaloosa Summer, there is something about it that shouts that it’s a perfect read to get lost in while at the beach.
If you love sweet YAs, then Appaloosa Summer is so worth checking out! 🙂
Oh gosh! I can’t believe I forgot to put any of Dessen’s books on my list! Great picks! I really want to read My Life Next Door, but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get to it. I said no ARCs this year, but I have nine on my TBR list right now. I’m hopelessly addicted, lol. Happy reading and happy summer!
ROFL, I know what you mean!! At least it’s a good addiction to have right? Happy summer reading to you too!!
Sarah Dessen’s books make the perfect beach reads! Honestly, I could have made my entire list consist of her novels, but I narrowed it down to just a couple of my favorites. Great list!
Thanks! 🙂
I have been wanting to check out My Life Next Door for the longest time. It sounds so good!
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I hope you do and you love it! 🙂
I read Him and The Real Thing. Agreed, I lived Eric as well.
Such a swoony beta boy…
I have yet read any of Sarah Dessen’s novels, but they seem ideal “beach reads.” And the one book I read by Jennifer E. Smith? It made me HAPPY! 🙂
Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland this week. 🙂
I gave in last summer when Sarah Dessen had a sale on a few of her books and I definitely don’t regret it! 🙂
[…] actually wrote a Top Ten Tuesday post about Beach Reads that happens to be all about books set in the summer, so definitely check them out…because I […]