(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon)
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in which you make a list of ten to do with a certain topic. This week’s topic is “Ten Books That Have Been On Your Shelf (Or TBR) From Before You Started Blogging That You STILL Haven’t Read Yet (this is going to be sad considering how many of those I have unread six years later…).”
Lenoreo’s Top Ten:
ROFL, since we only just started our blog less than a year ago, this is the easiest top ten ever. Because trust me, I have a huge TBR list. So I started with my oldest books that stand out to me as ones I’m most disappointed that I still haven’t read yet. And then to make picking easier, I discovered most of those are the next books in series, so I ran with it. All of these books have been on my TBR on Goodreads since 2012 or earlier.
- Enchant by Penelope Fletcher (previously titled Demon Dark) — Book 3 in the Rae Wilder series. I remember LOVING this series, so I have no idea why I haven’t finished it yet. (I do miss the original titles and covers, they were spectacular. I had to grab this cover from Amazon, b/c Goodreads doesn’t even have this one in its list of editions).
- Love Unrehearsed by Tina Reber — Book 2 in the Love series that I waited forever to go on sale, and finally snagged last year! Hmmm…I wonder if that means it hasn’t been on my TBR for as long if it was technically on my wishlist for most of that time. Oh well, my list, my rules. Damn, I hate making these lists, they always make me want to rearrange my reading priorities.
- Zane’s Redemption by Tina Folsom — Book 5 in the Scanguards Vampires series. Another series I loved but haven’t gotten back to. Really should do that.
- Stealing Parker by Miranda Kenneally — Book 2 in the Hundred Oaks series. Really need to read so many in this series. It doesn’t feel as pressing though, as they are interconnected standalones.
- World After by Susan Ee — Book 2 in the Penryn & the End of Days series. This is one of those series that I have on my plan to finish in 2016. Fingers crossed it actually happens.
- Uncontrollable by S.R. Johannes — Book 2 in the Nature of Grace series. And in making this list I discovered that this is a trilogy! ROFL. But at least it’s finished. And the first book was so unique and unusual, I really enjoyed it.
- Incendiary by Amy A. Bartol — Book 4 in the Premonition series. I actually started rereading this series earlier in the year in the hopes of finishing it, but it wasn’t quite holding my attention as much as I’d hoped and I had other books that took priority. I still have high hopes that it will be a series I finish in 2016.
- Thomas & January by Fisher Amelie — Book 2 in the Sleepless series. Another series that doesn’t feel as pressing because it’s an interconnected standalone, but I did absolutely ADORE Callum & Harper, so I’m eager to see if I enjoy this one as much.
- Immortal Grave by Nichole Chase — Book 3 in the Dark Betrayal Trilogy. I don’t know how I stand not knowing how series end, but I think they just get lost in the shuffle, you know?
- The Crown of Embers by Rae Carson — Book 2 in the Girl of Fire and Thorns series. OK, this amuses me to no end. Because just a few weeks ago we had a TTT where I lamented about wanting the box set for this series, but it turns out I have 2 of the 3 books already…so I probably don’t actually need the box set so much as the expensive 3rd book. Although the box set did include some novellas… I just can’t believe I forgot that I already owned this book. Sometimes I wonder about myself.
And that’s just a tip of the iceberg for me! I really need to start hacking away at my backlist, it becomes embarrassing when you can’t even remember buying some of the books on there. How about you guys? What books have been on your TBR since before you became a blogger (or if you’re not a blogger, for a LONG LONG time)? I’m dealing with some personal stuff right now, so I may not be able to spread the love, but please share links to your TTTs just in case I find time (and for other readers to come check you out!).
I floved Callum & Harper! Thomas & January is in my queue as well. LOL
And I read Enchant, it was good.
Did you finish the Rae Wilder series? I really want to get back to it, it’s been like 4 or 5 years since I read it!
And Callum & Harper is one of my all time faves…I need to reread it.
I can’t remember if I finished it. I thought I had but I think there might be one more. I should probably reread it.
OMG – I don’t know a one of these…
To be fair, you might recognize the first books in the series more than these later books titles…
I don’t know any of these!! They look like great selections.
I really want to get back to them!! You might have recognized some of the first book titles more than these later books, though I do read a lot of indies, so that doesn’t help…
I have so many books that fit into this category!
Right?? It was actually easy to find books, and less easy to pick just 10!
I love Stealing Parker! I hope you enjoy it too, as well as the rest of the book on your list 🙂
My TTT: https://outlookonabook.wordpress.com/2016/08/23/top-ten-tuesday-7/
Well I really enjoyed the first book, Catching Jordan, so I have no idea why I haven’t read more in the Hundred Oaks series yet!! 🙂
I haven’t read of these! Any of them! That hasn’t happened in a long time!
ROFL…well it doesn’t help that I’m listing the lesser known 2rd (or 3rd or 4th) books in a series. Have you at least heard of some of the series?
This. Is. Amazing.
I haven’t read any of these either, although several of them are on my TBR mountain chain. Mine is a virtual list with thousands of titles on it, so it’s not surprising that there are a few on there I haven’t gotten to yet 🙂
Happy TTT!
I love that it’s not even just a mountain, but a mountain chain…I can totally vibe with that. 🙂
I love Penryn and the End of Days series.
I need to read Crown of Embers, too.
I’m looking forward to finishing Penryn…it’s on my wishlist of things to accomplish for 2016. *fingers crossed*
I have heard some of those, some looks pretty cool so to the TBR list =)
ROFL…it’s funny how we have a TTT about our TBR list and then we end up adding more…:)
Jajaja yeah they’re irresistible