(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon using Amazon Affiliate links)
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in which you make a list of ten to do with a certain topic. This week’s topic is “Top Ten Of The Most Unique Books I’ve Read (topic originally done 4/14) Some variations: top ten unique sounding books on my TBR, top ten most unique books I’ve read in X genre, etc.”
Lenoreo’s Top Ten:
And each book is unique in different ways…  I’ve got 5 contemporaries, and 5 non-contemporaries.  😉
- Road to Somewhere by Kelley Lynn & Jenny S. Morris — I loved that this story may have contained some romance, but it was really about the relationship between two sisters…I found that very unique.
- Love Me Never (Lovely Vicious #1) by Sara Wolf — Our heroine, Isis, is incredibly unique all on her own. Â Her inner thoughts were out of this world. Â See my review here.
- Loving Libby (College Life) by Mia Josephs — Formerly titled 3 Sides to a Circle, I found this one so unique in the NA genre because it focused not just on romance but on friendship relationships that are created in college.
- Four Summers by Nyrae Dawn — This story was actually told over the course of 4 summers and I really enjoyed how that played out.
- The Real Thing by Cassie Mae — Hero is a virgin, need I say more?
- The Rush (The Siren #1) by Rachel Higginson — A paranormal series around the mythos of Sirens that involves sex trafficking? Â Yup, definitely unique.
- Heir of Skies (Starbright #1) by Rachel Higginson — Another paranormal series about *STARS* that are beings? Â Yup, unique.
- Gathering Water (Gathering Water #1) by Regan Claire — I can’t even describe to you this paranormal world, b/c it was just so unique…I loved the way it played with elements and grabbed things from different mythos but made it its own.  Oh, and the romance also took me in places I didn’t expect.  See my review here.
- Truth in the Dark by Amy Lane — This was just a bizarre erotic fairy tale, though I can’t quite pin down what fairy tale. Â It was just strange but awesome.
- Ride the Wind (Flipped Fairy Tales) by Starla Huchton — And speaking of odd fairy tales, I had never heard of the fairy tale that this story was based on. Â And the thing I love about this series (though I’ve still only read this one so far) is that they are gender flipped! Â I can’t wait to read more. Â See my review here.
So how about you guys? Â What books did you find unique in some way or another?
I haven’t read any of these books. Ride The Wind intrigues me though.
I’d never heard of the fairy tale it was based on, but I still really loved what the author did with it.
I have heard of a couple of these but sadly have not read any yet thought they sound amazing. One day I will develop magical powers to keep up with my TBR! My Top Ten
Dude! If you develop those magical powers, you must share them!!!
I couldn’t agree with you more, ChrissiReads. What a beautiful cover that books has.
Here is my TTT
It’s just as whimsical as the cover suggests! Thanks for visiting!
All of these look amazing! I’ve had my eye on Love Me Never for a while. Definitely something that I would personally enjoy so, I really need to get my hands on it soon! Four Summers and Loving Libby are added to my TBR, which will never stop growing. Thankfully! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
Elena @ Book Lady’s Reviews
The final book in the Love Me Never series comes out in May!! I can’t wait to see how the trilogy ends, it’s been an interesting ride. So glad I could help someone else grow their TBR, mine is ALWAYS growing! 😉 Hope you have a great week as well!
I have not read any of the book mentioned in your post this week.
Here’s a link to my TTT post for this week:
I haven’t read ANY of these! I need to check out the contemporary ones. I love unique books.
I think you would really enjoy some of them!! Loving Libby would totally fit in your NA challenge too. 😉
Really? I need a recommended book! Just bought it!
Four Summers looks intriguing, I do love Nyrae Dawn. I’ve heard you mention Ride The Wind before. That’s one that I’m want to read.
I think you would really love Ride the Wind!! And yeah, Nyrae Dawn is da bomb. 😉
[…] Top Ten of the Most Unique Books I’ve Read – Lenoreo @Celebrity Readers […]
[…] Top Ten of the Most Unique Books I’ve Read – Lenoreo @Celebrity Readers […]
[…] Top Ten of the Most Unique Books I’ve Read – Lenoreo @Celebrity Readers […]