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Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in which you make a list of ten to do with a certain topic.  This week’s topic is “Throwback Freebie: Ten Books I Loved During The First Year I Started My Blog, Favorite Books Published 5 or 10 or 15 Years Ago, Ten Older Books I Forgot How Much I Loved, etc. etc. Tweak however you want!” I’m gonna go with ten older books I forgot how much I liked. In order from oldest pub date to most recent.
Curly Carla’s Top Ten:
- Lord of the Flies by William Golding. OMG, I loved this book so much! Published in 1954. I didn’t know it was that old. The ultimate book on the breakdown of government…with little kids.
- A Wrinkle in Time (Time Quintet #1) by Madeleine L’Engle.  Published in 1962. I read almost this entire series when I was a kid. I’m very excited to see the movie when it comes out and I will be reading this with my daughter after we finish The Chronicles of Narnia.
- Dragons of Autumn Twilight (Dragonlance: Chronicles #1) by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman.  Published in 1984. I have read this series more times than ANY OTHER SERIES. I could probably quote it. These books get tricky because of the time jumps and changes as the series progresses but this one was my favorite storyline.  Great series.
- Magic Kingdom for Sale–Sold! (Magic Kingdom of Landover #1) by Terry Brooks. First published in 1986, this author is FUNNY.
- Magic’s Pawn (Valdemar: The Last Herald-Mage #1) by Mercedes Lackey. Published in 1989, this was my first m/m paranormal. And it blew me away.
- Dawn (Cutler #1) by V.C. Andrews. Published in 1990, I’ve read all her books (and by all I mean the ones that SHE wrote), until I found out they were being ghost written then I stopped at the Landry series.
- Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park #1) by Michael Crichton. Published in 1990, I read this book AFTER I watched the movie and so many things were different that I vowed I would never do that again.  And I haven’t.
- The Great Book of Amber (The Chronicles of Amber #1-10) by Roger Zelazny. Published in 1999. Okay I cheated a little here. But I actually read this edition so I’m gonna count it as one.  I even got my husband to read it and he liked it!
- Uglies (Uglies #1) by Scott Westerfeld. Published in 2005. Not too long ago but I’m saving this one and a couple others for my daughter to read when she gets in high school or even junior high.  Great book.
- Gone (Gone #1) by Michael Grant. Published in 2008. Again, not like a super long time ago but I think it’s enough to count it. This series was a really fun read.
I always forget how much I like Lord Of The Flies until I reread. Such a great book.
Whenever I pay attention to politics I think about Lord of the Flies…how quickly everything has fallen apart under Trump, just like thing fall apart in the book. My TTT
I love Uglies! I first read it when I was eleven and I think I’m way overdue rereading the series again 🙂
Wrinkle in Time is the ONLY sci-fi type book I love.
So many favorites of mine on this list! A Wrinkle in Time is a classic! My husband introduced me to fantasy with The Sword of Shannara which led me to Terry Brooks’ Magic Kingdom series. Questor Thews is still one of my favorite wizards of all time. The Sword of Shannara led me to the Dragonlance Chronicles (which eventually led me to R. A. Salvatore, but eh, I’m getting away from the point here). So many great books.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
I read the Sword of Shannara books! And RA Salvatore is a huge favorite in my house as well.
I also thought Magic Kingdom for Sale – Sold! was pretty funny. I haven’t finished the series though.
Yeah, I didn’t finish the rest of the series either.
Uglies I enjoyed, I wasn’t so keen on the rest of that series though.
My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/09/12/top-ten-tuesday-124/
Me either, I always thought it was left a bit open.
Yes it was!
Hi! Lol I hated Lord of the Flies. Maybe I should give it a second chance 🙂 Great idea for this week!
I loved the Shannara books – maybe I should try this series too! 🙂
Lauren @ Always Me
[…] Top Ten Older Books I Forgot How Much I Liked – Curly Carla @Celebrity Readers […]