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My Review:Title: Four Letter Word
Author: J. Daniels
Series: Dirty Deeds #1
Published by: Forever
Release Date: October 4th 2016
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 417
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Reading Challenges: Lenoreo's 2018 Beat the Backlist Challenge, Lenoreo's 2018 New Adult Challenge, Lenoreo's 2018 Reading Assignment Challenge, Lenoreo's COYER Winter Switch 2017/18
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ B&N ✩ Google ✩ Kobo ✩ iBooks ✩ IndieBound
My rating:![]()
Blurb:Fate. Hate. Love. Lies.
Which four letter word will change their lives forever?
In an effort to avoid dealing with the shocking end of her marriage, Sydney Paige high-tails it to Dogwood Beach, North Carolina to vent her anger onto the man who broke her best friend's heart. But when she unknowingly dials the wrong number, Syd's newly single world is turned upside down by a stranger who wants to keep her on the line.
Brian Savage is living a life he's quickly come to hate - until Sydney and her innocently wild voice. But Brian has secrets, ones that could destroy everything between them. And when the woman on the phone becomes the lover in his bed, shielding her from the mistakes of his past becomes harder and harder...
4.5 stars — Do you ever just feel at a loss for words when writing a review? Sometimes that’s a good thing, sometimes it’s a bad thing, and sometimes (as is this case) you’re just too tired and your brain’s not working. I really loved this story. There was just something about the voices of the characters, and the way the story was structured, and just how much freaking heart there was in it that made this one a hit for me. It wasn’t quite a hit out of the park, but other than a few minor things, it was pretty darn close.
Now, I wishlisted this one shortly after it came out (probably b/c I read some glowing reviews and it sounded up my alley), but since that time I completely forgot what it was going to be about. So I will admit I went into this one a bit blind. But I think that worked in my favour, b/c I really didn’t have any preconceived notions of what to expect. It’s funny, b/c we meet Sydney on what is a pretty life-changing day, she started off seeming more reserved…and quite honestly, she changes a LOT from who we see in those first few pages. But it’s not unbelievable at all…I totally bought that this girl had squashed down her real self to please her husband, and by the end of the story we were seeing who she was always meant to be…who she was deep down inside you know? So it’s not so much that she changed as that the shackles were taken off and she was finally loved for WHO SHE WAS. It was very freeing. It wasn’t immediate, it was a few gradual changes here and there, but it just made me feel very happy and fulfilled for her. Sydney was hilarious…she was spunky, sassy, adorable, emotional, sensitive…just so many things that I’m often drawn to in a heroine. And I loved her, I truly did. I was a bit cranky at her for a bit at the end of the book, but that’s my own personal disconnect with a certain aspect of the story.
And Brian…OMG Brian. That boy loved to make my heart break. Seriously. We don’t get to know his full story right away, and usually that annoys the shit out of me. But I tolerated it in this case, b/c we knew enough to understand what was going on in his head, and the details weren’t necessary for me to feel for him. And damn but that boy was hot. It wasn’t just the dirty talk and the sexy times (though those were smoking), it was all the little things. I loved the crossword puzzles. I loved how fully he embraced his feelings for Sydney. I loved how sweet and earnest he was in wanting to do whatever he could to make her happy. I loved him with his sister and the twins. I will admit I was a bit less impressed with how he was with his friends…I don’t think I understood his detachment from Jamie sometimes…I wouldn’t have minded seeing more caring there. But still…so much love.
And that’s how I would describe so much of this book. There was so much love. We got to see so many cute interactions at the beginning when they were developing their friendship over the phone, while still seeing them deal with their own personal struggles and the things life was throwing their way. And so even though in terms of days it was pretty quick, the relationship *didn’t* feel rushed to me, b/c I felt how much they’d gotten to know each other and how they connected before the physical stuff even came into play. And wow, chemistry up the hizouse! I LOVED them together, they were so adorable, they made me so happy!!!
And damn, what a strong secondary cast! Now I’m extra bummed I didn’t get the ARC for Shay and Sean’s story, when I requested it I didn’t even know what it was related to! I LOVED everyone at Whitecaps, from the girls to Stitch to Nate. I loved Jenna and the twins. While we didn’t get much from Cole, I liked him too. And I’m more in love with Jamie than Tori right now, though I’m sucked right in and need to know where that’s going.
So what were the tiny things that prevents this story from being rounded up? Well first, the writing was a bit odd sometimes…like, the dialogue just felt stilted or something occasionally. I don’t know how to describe it, I think it’s just a style thing, but it would jerk me out of the story at times. And second, and the bigger one, I wasn’t impressed with the attitudes towards the people at Brian’s side job. It just screamed of hypocrisy with all the disgust, and the names that were hurled. I just don’t like judging people who do that job…there are so many reasons, and it felt a bit…I don’t know. I just love how people will consume the result, but then judge the people who create it (though Mike totally deserved it, that’s not who I’m talking about). *shrugs* But I’m probably in the minority on that opinion. (and yes, I purposely tried to keep it vague, b/c it wasn’t mentioned in the blurb)
Well whaddya know? Apparently I did have a lot to say. I should have known the thoughts would flood when I started writing… Conclusion: LOVED it. It was everything I was hoping for, and I can’t wait to read more.
YES!!! I am so happy you loved this one as much as I did.
And I got Shay & Sean’s book, so I can tell you it’s my favorite in the series so far.
Great review!
You’re going to need to read ALL of her books now. The Alabama Summer books are just as good!
Damnit!! I don’t have enough time Deanna!!! I have just over 2 months before Apollycon!! And I need to catch up on a bunch of other authors too!! Oh first world problems.
And thanks chickie!!
LOL! Well, just read them when you can then.