(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon using Amazon Affiliate links)
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish, but now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl in which you make a list of ten to do with a certain topic. This week’s topic is “Favorite Book Quotes.”
Curly Carla’s Top TenEleven:
- Truth or Beard (The Winston Brothers #1) by Penny Reid.
I wondered at the unfairness of his eyes. He had such pretty eyes, blue and glittering, mesmerizing…it was a shame they belonged to Satan.
- Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo.
“The life you live, the hate you feel—it’s poison. I can drink it no longer.”
- Paperglass (War of the Princes #2) by A.R. Ivanovich.
“This is it,” Rune said, looking up at the mouth of the hall. “The moment where we live for our luck, or die for our decisions.”
- Un(Wise) (Judgment of the Six #3) by Melissa Haag.
“The decisions you make and the words you speak influence the people around you. Be aware of your influence.”
- The Hooker and the Hermit (Rugby #1) by L.H. Cosway & Penny Reid.
No person is ever truly their online or media persona. For better or for worse, the human condition, desires, and faults are so much more robust than pixels on a screen or words beneath a caption.
- This is Falling by Ginger Scott.
It’s like I’m caught in an internal tug-of-war with myself—my heart begging to beat from thrill, but caged by fear.
- You Can’t Catch Me by Cassie Mae.
How come it’s so much easier to see the awesome in other people, but when it comes to yourself, all you can see is what you hate?
- Golden Son (Red Rising #2) by Pierce Brown.
I’ve seen her hanged a thousand times now as her martyrdom spreads across the worlds, city by city. Yet each time, it strikes me like a physical blow, nerve endings shivering in my chest, heart beating fast, neck tight just under the jaw. How cruel a life, that the sight of my dead wife means hope.
- The Man I Love (The Fish Tales #1) by Suanne Laqueur.
She wasn’t the first girl to ask him questions about his father’s side of the family. But other girls’ questions always felt like birds pecking at him, wearing him down or tearing him open. Daisy’s curiosity was soft on his skin. She was a beautiful china cup on a table, quietly asking to be filled. And little by little, Erik was tipping over and pouring out.
- Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan.
Your humor is your compass and your shield. You can hone it into a weapon or you can pull its strands out to make your very own cotton-candy blanket. You can’t exist on a diet of humor alone, but you can’t exist on a diet without it, either.
- Cinder and Ella (Cinder and Ella #1) by Kelly Oram.
Say car for me.
Lenoreo’s Top Ten:
I could probably do a top 100 of favourite quotes, so I had to narrow it down. My hubby said to pick the funny quotes, so I did. This isn’t even all of them, just the first 10 I could think of.
- The Score (Off-Campus #3) by Elle Kennedy
“You know, I don’t think we’re dealing with a Bella’s-magical-blood situation here.”
“No. I think you’ve imprinted on this girl’s pussy.”
A choked cough sounds from behind me, and I turn in time to see our waitress walking by. Her cheeks are red, lips twitching as if she’s trying not to bust a gut.
I turn back to Beau. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you’re facing a Jacob quandary. You imprinted on her pussy, and now it’s the only pussy you can think about. You exist solely for this pussy. Like Jacob and that weird mutant baby.”
“You fucking asshole. You’ve totally read those books.”
“Nuh-uh,” Beau protests. He gives a sheepish grin. “I’ve seen the movies.”
- Crazy Pucking Love (Taking Shots #3) by Cindi Madsen
“Me and three a.m. are BFFs. Only it’s a toxic relationship, where I tell her that she’s a bitch and I don’t want anything to do with her anymore, and she laughs in my face and tells me it doesn’t matter what I want.”
- Truth or Beard (Winston Brothers #1) by Penny Reid
“I know how birth control works, big brother, and—spoiler alert—putting a wrapper on the banana is ninety-nine percent effective.”
“There will be no bananas!”
“There will be entire tropical rainforests of bananas! And coconuts!” I gestured to my breasts. “And, hopefully, bananas rubbing against coconuts.”
He sucked in a shocked breath. If he had on a string of pearls I felt certain he would have clutched them.
- Royally Matched (Royally #2) by Emma Chase
You would think having your arse constantly kissed would be enjoyable, even just a little. But when it’s a nest of snakes trying to latch on—offering a rim job with their flicking, forked tongues—it’s revolting.
- The Opposite of You (Opposites Attract #1) by Rachel Higginson
The next night, Friday night, I chopped up four cups of parsley out of spite and sent it over to Lilou in a to-go container. I made Wyatt give it to Killian. Actually, I tried to get Wyatt to throw it in his face and yell, “Make it rain, motherfucker!” But Wyatt was a giant, skinny chicken. Basically, Wyatt just handed it to him and explained my evil plan. And then apparently, they had a nice chuckle over it. I hated them both.
- 180 Seconds by Jessica Park
“She probably has horns.”
He shrugged. “I think that’s unlikely.” Simon pauses. “Although . . .”
“Although what?” I ask with horror.
There’s a long silence that makes me nervous. Finally, he says very slowly, “She might have one horn.”
I jerk my head and stare at him.
Simon claps his hands together and tries to coax a smile out of me. “Like a unicorn! Ohmigod! Your roommate might be a unicorn!”
- Trust by Kylie Scott
“I was abducted by aliens,” said Hang, sitting cross-legged on her bed. The aforementioned plans included a sleepover at her place. Since her parents had a very well-stocked bar and they’d gone out for dinner with friends, we’d finished our coffees and started on some beer. “They stole me straight out of a school hallway. There was nothing I could do but allow them to carry out their sick and perverted tests on me.”
“God, you poor thing.” I sipped at my drink.
“Did I mention that all of the aliens looked like male models?”
“All those probes. You’re so brave.”
“I try.” She sniffed. “What about you? Why did you miss your last class?”
“Oh, I slipped and sprained my left breast,” I reported with a straight face. “Had to go home and rest it immediately.”
“Absolutely. That sounds excruciating.”
“Very.” I gave my boob a pat. “The doctor said I mightn’t be able to wear underwire for weeks. We’re talking possible sagging here. The pain is real.”
- Love Me Never (Lovely Vicious #1) by Sara Wolf
The toilet’s a mess, and I pat it in sympathy on my way out. Stay strong, buddy. One way or another, this will all be over soon. Either we’ll all drop dead of alcohol poisoning, or your bowl will erode from the acidity of the gallons of vomit you’ve been subjected to. Do they give you retirement benefits? No? They should. We should protest. Picket. Toilet Union United.
- Tempering Earth (Gathering Water #2) by Regan Claire
“Well, that was interesting,” Luke said, shoulders shaking in a quiet laughter.
“Yeah, we found out that Della fights dirty!”
“Me? What about you?” I asked, incredulous.
“You bit me and kneed me in the balls! Why do you keep doing that!” he asked in a pained voice.
“It’s only the second time, and you pulled my hair–”
“Yeah, well you kicked me in the stomach when I was trying to help you stand–“
“Only after you punched me in the face without warning!”
- Doing It For Love (All About Love #1) by Cassie Mae
“I vow to make you laugh.”
Then he waits for me.
“I…I vow to humor you about your jokes.”
“What if they’re really bad?” he asks with a laugh.
“Even then.”
“I vow to pick up my socks.”
I snort. Actually snort during our vows. “Can I get that in writing?”
“You want it notarized, too?”
I weave my fingers through his and take a step closer. “I vow to sing to you when you’re sick.”
“Please don’t.”
“Lots of 98 Degrees to get you to the right temperature.”
“I take back my sock vow.”
“You can’t do that.”
“I just did.”
“We are not going to argue during our wedding ceremony.”
“Okay,” he says, “I vow to always argue naked.”
“And make up naked.”
“To always take you out on dates.”
“And I’ll never stop flirting with you.”
“I vow to kiss the center of your palm.”
“I vow to give you long hugs.”
“I vow to squeeze your hand twice.” And he does.
“And I vow to always squeeze back.”
What are your favourite book quotes? Would you have a hard time narrowing it down like Lenoreo? Did any of these quotes make you laugh or swoon or intrigue you?
Fabulous quotes. I love the one from Two Boys Kissing!
Such a great book! Have you read it?
I haven’t read Two Boys Kissing yet, but I really like that quote.
My Quotes TTT
I highly recommend it. It’s based on true events.
O.M.G. So, so many great ones on here. It makes me want to read so many of these books again!!!
My daughter loves David Levithan. I have a better understanding of why now. 🙂
Here is out Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!
That bananas and coconuts quote is hilarious. I love it.
It made me laugh and laugh! Such a great series of books…. Thanks for visiting!
Nice list! I haven’t read any of these books but I loved these quotes 🙂