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My Review:Title: Charcoal Tears (Seraph Black #1)
Author: Jane Washington
Series: Seraph Black #1
Published by: Indie
Release Date: September 19, 2017
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 338
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
Reading Challenges: CC's Goodreads Reading Challenge
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon
My rating:![]()
Blurb:“You see, there is safety in simplicity… in a life of simple peace, where the electricity doesn’t dance across the backs of my eyelids, and the sparks don’t slither over my consciousness. Only asinine peace, where my paintings don’t seem to paint themselves, leaving me with terrible feelings of premonition and a chill beneath my fingernails.”
Seraph Black used to think that she was prepared for anything. She could last days without eating and she always walked away from the violent altercations with her father relatively unharmed. She survived working at the club and the drive to school every day in her mother’s rust-bucket of a car… but it all changed when Noah and Cabe came bulldozing into her life, careless of the precious secrets they picked apart in their quest to take over her world. She was even less prepared for the mysterious Miro and Silas, and nothing could have prepared her for the bond. The connection. The reason for it all.
Someone wanted her to stay away from her new friends, but she wasn’t willing to do that.
Everyone had secrets.
She wanted to know theirs. They wanted to own hers.
And the stalker?
He seemed to know everything already.
I’m a little confused as to the reasoning behind making her such a doormat. She just allows everything to happen to her without really reacting and I think I may have a problem with it. I was gonna try to suspend my belief and dig into the next book but first impressions for Seph were not good enough so I’m bailing on this series. Also, the abuse? Really? Uneccessary and doesn’t add any depth to her character because it was skimmed over. It was for shock value and I don’t subscribe to that kind of writing personally. It takes away from instaed of adding if that makes sense.
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