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My Review:Title: Valor
Author: Taylor Longford
Series: Greystone #1
Published by: Indie
Release Date: June 12, 2011
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 219
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ B&N ✩ Kobo ✩ iBooks
My rating:![]()
Blurb:Think you know about gargoyles? The beautiful winged race disappeared eight hundred years ago. Their greatest enemies were the brutal harpies that people today mistake for gargoyles.
Like all gargoyles, Valor is protective by nature. When he wakes to find a human girl in trouble, his first impulse is to help her. But the greatest risk to MacKenzie’s safety is himself. One scratch from the poisonous barbs on his knuckes and she’ll be lost to him forever.
4 stars — A fun new universe!! At times it was a bit slow, and a bit familiar in the plot challenges with a lot of paranormal YA these days… But I LOVED the new mythology with the gargoyles, harpies and even the witches. Nothing too complicated, just a light fun read. Glad I managed to pick up the 4 book set for 99 cents!
4 stars — It’s been almost 7 YEARS since I read this, but I really want to finally finish this series and see what happens! Honestly, I remembered very little. I would say I agree with 2013 Lenore — this was a fun new universe, I enjoyed the explanations of gargoyles and harpies, and the witches stuff amused me at times. It was really light and fun, reminded me of when I loved reading these in the early days of Indie books, you know? It definitely had a lot of the elements that were common back then, like insta-love, but I found I minded a lot less since I haven’t been reading a lot of these lately. It’s amazing what variety will do!
I started this reread b/c I really wanted to get out of a book hangover, and it totally worked. I just want to keep going and remember what the rest of the books were like, and finally find out how it all ends! While each book centers around a different couple, there is an overarching plot that will leave you wanting some answers (though no cliffy).
My Review:Title: Dare
Author: Taylor Longford
Series: Greystone #2
Published by: Indie
Release Date: April 20, 2012
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 190
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ B&N ✩ Kobo ✩ iBooks
My rating:![]()
Blurb:Think you know about gargoyles? The beautiful winged race disappeared eight hundred years ago. When they last walked the earth, they traveled in close-knit packs, their throats marked with ancient runes. Their greatest enemies were the ugly and brutal harpies that people today mistake for gargoyles.
The victim of a harpy attack at seventeen, Dare lost his wings along with his poisonous barbs. When he meets Mim, he doesn't consider himself much of a catch. But Mim is the only power that can make the broken gargoyle whole again. And when she's abducted by a harpy, he's willing to sacrifice himself for her freedom.
Which might have worked, if Mim hadn't been willing to do the same thing.
3.5 stars — Dare was a bit frustrating. This was a good followup book to Valor, and continues on with the hijinks of the gargoyles, giving just a little bit more for each of the story lines (Reason’s absence, the missing cousins), enough to tempt the palate but leave you wanting more. And normally I LOVE reading boy POV books….and I did enjoy Dare. But he could be quite selfish and frustrating at times, and so it wasn’t all roses. I think the book would have benefited from a multi POV, including a bit of Mim’s inner dialogue…b/c I guess in the end I feel like I didn’t get to know her well enough. So an enjoyable read, but not as strong as Valor IMO.
3.75 stars — Pretty much the same feelings as above, but I think because I remember being frustrated with Dare, I was inherently less frustrated…like it didn’t come out of nowhere. And maybe I tried to understand how his past had shaped him, and that made me understand it a bit more. Don’t get me wrong, he was still a bit of a dick, but people aren’t perfect.
Definitely wished we had more from Mim. Still disappointed, b/c I really do feel like I don’t know who she is that well. Ah well.
My Review:Title: Reason
Author: Taylor Longford
Series: Greystone #3
Published by: Indie
Release Date: December 9, 2012
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 193
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ B&N ✩ Kobo ✩ iBooks
My rating:![]()
Blurb:Think you know about gargoyles? The beautiful winged race disappeared eight hundred years ago. When they last walked the earth, they traveled in close-knit packs, their throats marked with ancient runes. Their greatest enemies were the ugly and brutal harpies that people today mistake for gargoyles.
When a fabulous winged sculpture mysteriously saves Elaina's life, she travels across the country in her search to learn more about him. But the good-looking gargoyle she finds in Colorado isn't exactly happy to see her. Too bad he's going to be her new college roommate. Now sparks fly every time Elaina and Reason look at each other.
4.5 stars — oh dude! I had no idea in the previous 2 books that I would love Reason’s book the most! But that all has to do with one thing — ELAINA! Holy crap does she kick ass. She’s the PERFECT foil for Reason — she’s spunky, a smartass, and generally very down to earth. She was just the fire needed to light Reason up. I seriously loved being inside her head, she made me laugh and she kicked butt like I wanted her too!! Every time she stood up to someone (mostly the agents), I just wanted to cheer! And I loved how insecure and innocent Reason could be at times….it was just such a contrast from what we know about him and his personality. Yup, even loved the overall plot arc advances with the missing gargoyles. <3
On a side note, REALLY looking forward to Havoc’s book, even though since he’s so young it will probably be one of the last ones. That kid is HILARIOUS.
4 stars — I still loved Elaina for sure, she was so different from MacKenzie and Mim…so much SASS! But Reason annoyed and frustrated me a bit more this time around. He’s just such a dick, it’s hard to fall in love with him! I did appreciate that for once the trope was spun on its head, and Elaina made a bit of a boneheaded move that she had to apologize for.
On a side note to my above side note, this time around I didn’t notice how young Havoc was! I mean, how young is he? Why don’t I know? Did I gloss over it?
My Review:Title: Defiance
Author: Taylor Longford
Series: Greystone #4
Published by: Indie
Release Date: May 27, 2013
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 167
Genres: Young Adult, Paranormal Romance
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ B&N ✩ Kobo ✩ iBooks
My rating:![]()
Blurb:Think you know about gargoyles? The beautiful winged race disappeared eight hundred years ago. When they last walked the earth, they traveled in close-knit packs, their throats marked with ancient runes. Their greatest enemies were the ugly and brutal harpies that people today mistake for gargoyles.
Defiance can't resist Whitney Anders. But the young gargoyle has trust issues where human girls are concerned. And Whitney's a babe among her human peers in Pine Grove, so he's going to have to work for her if he wants her. And overcome his trust issues once and for all.
3.5 stars — Hmmmm….this one was interesting b/c the love story was sort of the side story, and it was really more about the development of Defiance… The problem is I didn’t really like Defiance all that much….but I guess he and Whitney were matched fairly well. Loved the side story of Chaos more than Defiance’s story really. Can’t wait to see what happens to the rest of them… It’s funny b/c in the end the rounding up is b/c of the pack more than the Defiance story.
On a side note — didn’t enjoy Whitney’s blase attitude after hearing about Defiance’s guilty confession…I mean, maybe it’s just that I thought it was more of a serious offense than either of them were treating it….?? I don’t know.
4 stars — Weird! I enjoyed this one more on reread apparently. I guess I kind of got where Defiance’s fear, anger and distrust came from a bit more this time around. I mean, he was still kind of a jerk (though that seems to be a bit of a theme with our Gargoyles)…but for some reason I saw underneath those emotions a bit better. And maybe I saw the connection between Whitney and him a bit more. He’s still not going to be my fave, but I guess I gave him a bit more benefit of the doubt this time around.
Agree with my side note above, that still struck me as odd…but it goes against things I believe in, so I guess that’s where my dissonance comes in.
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