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My Review:Title: Chaos
Author: Taylor Longford
Series: Greystone #5
Published by: Indie
Release Date: October 27, 2013
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 150
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ B&N ✩ Kobo ✩ iBooks
My rating:![]()
Blurb:Think you know about gargoyles? Think again. The beautiful winged race disappeared eight hundred years ago. Now they're back.
Trapped in a harpy's lair, Chaos must choose between his freedom and the life of an innocent young girl. To save the girl, he must agree to a lifetime of captivity at the end of a monster's leash, a bleak existence that would crush his wild spirit and impetuous nature.
Starved and abused by the same harpy, Torrie doesn't trust anyone, especially anyone with wings. She doesn't realize that the young gargoyle imprisoned with her is her only hope for survival. And when she finally discovers her mistake, it appears to be too late for amends.
4 stars — There were parts of this story that I definitely loved, but there were also parts that just didn’t live up to my expectations.
I found both Chaos and Torrie to be really interesting characters. I mean, actually, all of our couples seem to have a lot of traits in common, with only slight variations. The gargoyles don’t show their love well, and have tempers. The girls are insecure and believe themselves to be less than (but of course they get more beautiful thanks to the gargoyles, and in Torrie’s case apparently getting thinner made her more beautiful…fat shame bad). That can be a little annoying, b/c I want more…I want to tap into something a bit deeper. For all that I should have loved Torrie for her traits on paper, I didn’t really connect with her that well. And I honestly don’t know why. I think I wasn’t expecting this book to be entirely told from Torrie’s POV, so when we got all that time in captivity, but with no idea how Chaos was faring, I was kinda bummed and let down. I really don’t understand why none of these books are in dual POV. She’s proven she can write both male and female POV, so why not switch it up? That would honestly be the ultimate for this series.
Anyways, I seem to have completely strayed off my train of thought. Basically I liked them both, but while I feel like I should have loved them, I just didn’t connect as strongly. I think this book is shorter as well, so that definitely didn’t help.
There were some twists and turns in the end, and I didn’t see the resolution for their relationship coming, so that was kind of fun how that was explained. It was a bit easy, but *shrugs*
All in all, I’m still really enjoying this series, and I love the uniqueness. But I feel like they’re missing something to give them that edge into fantastic, you know? Like they’re perpetually 4 stars — enjoyable, but don’t blow me away. We’ll see if the next 4 books change my mind.
I never thought of gargoyles as MCs. Interesting…