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My Review:Title: Muses & Melodies
Author: Rebecca Yarros
Series: Hush Note #3
Published by: Indie
Release Date: October 6, 2020
Format: eARC
Pages: 307
Genres: Romance, Contemporary
Potential Triggers: View Spoiler »
Source: Candi Kane PR
Reading Challenges: Lenoreo's 2020 Diversity Reading Challenge, Lenoreo's 2020 New Release Challenge, Lenoreo's COYER Quarantine Edition
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ B&N ✩ Kobo ✩ iBooks ✩ IndieBound
My rating:![]()
Blurb:If I can keep Hush Note’s leading guitarist, Nixon Winters, on the straight and narrow for the next six months, I’ll finally get my own band to manage—assuming we don’t kill each other first.
The egotistical, irritating rock star is fresh out of rehab, but it’s obvious his demons followed him home—and now I’m sleeping down the hall. I’ve watched him self-destruct every summer, and with album deadlines and tour dates looming, I can’t let it happen again. My career is in his hands.
But tattoos can’t cover every scar, and I’m starting to see through his trademark, irresistible charm to the damage beneath.
Everyone wants the rock star.
I’m falling for the man.If he doesn’t let me in,
he’ll never break the cycle—
And when these six months are up,
I might be the one left broken.
I received a free copy through Candi Kane PR in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.
4.5 stars — Wow. This was exactly the kind of rockstar romance I was really looking forward to. There was a rawness about it that just had me desperate to find out how things were going to turn out. But it was married with a sass and humour that I’ve come to know and love from Ms. Yarros. Basically it was a huge success for me.
Nixon has intrigued me right from the first book (which, this can be read as a standalone, it’s just more fun to read all 3), and I desperately wanted to know what his demons were. It took most of the book before I got my answers, which could be frustrating at times, but at least I got the occasional hint here and there. Nixon basically both broke my heart and made me want to smack him. But he felt so real. His issues felt real, his reactions (even though they were what made me want to smack him) just fit with everything he was going through. His walls were made of steel. But underneath, he was a seriously genuine soul. I really ended up loving him. He was funny, earnest, sassy, just all the good things. And I loved that while Zoe helped inspire him to go that final distance, he didn’t get there completely because of her…he was trying in his own right for his own reasons.
Zoe was fabulous. She was strong and soft, sweet and sassy…all those fantastic opposites in one package. I loved the way she went after the things she wanted, and she was tenacious without being a bulldozer. I appreciated that she was balancing her career aspirations with a love that took her by surprise. I LOVED seeing her both stand up to Nixon and support him in ways that no one else did.
They were truly a special couple to watch. So much amazing chemistry, but I could also truly FEEL their connection outside of just the physical. There were so many intimate moments between them that had nothing to do with steam. It made me desperate for them to figure out a way.
I loved Zoe’s family. I loved how hilarious they were, how loving, how normal. I loved how they welcomed Nixon in.
I had mixed feelings about Jonas and Quinn. Part of me was so bummed that they never pushed Nixon…but the other part recognizes that then he wouldn’t have anyone because he wasn’t ready. I enjoyed seeing more moments with them together.
Yeah, I don’t know…this one just worked for me. I kept wanting to pick my book up when I set it down, and I found myself jumping pages ahead to make sure I would survive the chapter, and then jumping back to absorb it word for word.
While there were many amazing moments, I truly laughed out loud at the cake auction. Suck it Mrs. Whitcomb indeed.
Yes! I love this review! This book was so good. It was my favorite of the series. I’m really digging Yarros’ writing. It’s getting better and better. I don’t know that anyone could have done Nixon justice the way she did.