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My Review:Title: More Than One Night
Author: Sarah Mayberry
Published by: Harlequin Superromance
Release Date: March 6, 2012
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Reading Challenges: Lenoreo's 2021 Backlist Reader Challenge, Lenoreo's 2021 COYER Fall, Lenoreo's 2021 Monthly Key Word Challenge
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon
My rating:![]()
Blurb:From bed to baby to...bliss?
A chance encounter. A steamy night together. That's all Rhys Walker signs on for when Charlotte "Charlie" Long sashays across his path. Sure, maybe he catches a glimpse of forever in her eyes. But the brush-off note the gorgeous brunette leaves the next morning says it all, doesn't it? Time to move on.
Rhys never expects that moving on actually means reconnecting with Charlie. Or that her big news changes everything. Becoming a father now, under these circumstances, never factored into his plans. Yet he's not as upset as he thought. Because now he has the opportunity to explore that glimpse of forever...and turn it into reality.
4 stars — This one surprised me a bit with the way things played out, and in particular Charlie’s character. She could be a bit hard to love and understand sometimes, but all the same I mostly did get what made her up. She was damaged in a different way than I was anticipating, and while it was hard to watch her be so down on herself, at least it stemmed from something more than the usual insecurities. She was also so strong in so many ways. She was hardworking, determined, practical…and while things made her uncomfortable or nervous, she would move forward anyways.
Honestly, Rhys could be a bit hard to love at times too, though I really did. He was just so weird, because he had these ambitions and goals for material things that could be a little offputting, but I guess given his crowded home, I mostly got where that came from. And he made some HUGE blunders in this one, and I was honestly worried…but he saved himself each time. And it felt more realistic that he didn’t always have the right reactions immediately.
Normally I’m a little wary of one night stand stories, because it can be hard to connect with the couple when they haven’t known each other long…but honestly? Their chemistry was pretty solid right from the start. And it was like I could feel that there was more than lust and attraction in their connection, right from the start.
And then watching them develop a friendship and then more was so satisfying. All the moves felt right for our characters, the speed reasonable. I was actually kind of surprised by the ending, and yet it fit these two. I might have wanted a bit more afterwards, but it was enough.
Definitely enjoyable, and I breezed through the read…though I can’t say it’s going to top my Mayberry list. I don’t know why exactly, but sometimes some books speak to you more than others.
COYER Scavenger Hunt #14: Read a book with a couple (two people) fully clothed on the front.
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