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My Review:Title: From Exes to Expecting
Author: Laurel Greer
Series: Sutter Creek Montana #1
Published by: Harlequin Special Edition
Release Date: February 20, 2018
Format: Paperback
Pages: 224
Genres: Contemporary, Romance
Source: Library
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My rating:![]()
Blurb:This time there's a baby on board...
Dr. Lauren Dawson knows her brief marriage to footloose photographer Tavish Fitzgerald ended for a reason. That doesn't mean their undeniable chemistry isn't as potent as ever. And when Tavish returns home to Sutter Creek for his sister's wedding, the sparks between them turn into a blaze. But when Lauren finds herself pregnant, these exes have nine months to build a forever family together...
3 stars — Hmmm…this one was okay, but the characters were frustrating. At the front of the book it said it was Ms. Greer’s debut, so I definitely think her writing and characters have improved over time. I’m going to keep going on this series, b/c at this point I’m curious. But I can’t wait until we get to later books, because these early ones are…well, just okay.
Both Lauren and Tavish had their faults, but if I’m being honest, Lauren disappointed me more. I had a hard time connecting with her because we didn’t quite get the full picture of what was going on with her until later in the book. It’s hinted at, for sure, but I had no idea she had so much trauma from family deaths. I feel like it would have helped me connect a bit more with her if I’d known there was a lot behind her life decisions. As it was, she just came across incredibly selfish — she claimed she accepted some of the blame for the demise of her marriage, but her actions didn’t show a willingness to change. She kept expecting more and more compromises from Tavish, even though he was trying, while refusing to make the tiniest compromise herself. I know she probably had a lot of qualities I might otherwise enjoy, but honestly? Her faults overshadowed. She did eventually get there, but it was too late for me to connect.
And then there’s Tavish, with his unfortunately stereotypical belief in genetics having more control over his life than he does. I’m sure this happens in real life, but it is definitely a trope I’ve read a lot in romances, and apparently I was less patient with it…I just wanted him to wake up earlier. But at the same time, despite this belief in his own nature, he was still showing that he was willing to try and compromise, and for that reason I liked him more.
Together? I don’t know. I guess because they were both so stubborn and fatalistic about their relationship, I had a hard time being excited about them as a couple…and so I didn’t really connect with the steamy scenes as much. But that’s about me as much as anything.
I feel like this is such a negative review, but there were bright spots. Just not enough.
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