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My Review:Title: The Force of Wind
Author: Elizabeth Hunter
Series: Elemental Mysteries #3
Published by: Indie
Release Date: March 2, 2012
Format: ebook
Pages: 334
Genres: Mystery, Paranormal Romance
Source: Overdrive
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ B&N ✩ Kobo ✩ iBooks ✩ Book Depository
My rating:![]()
Blurb:How far would you go to protect the ones you love?
What would you sacrifice to kill the one you hate?
Join Giovanni Vecchio and Beatrice De Novo as they travel to a hidden island on the far edge of China and seek the help of an ancient immortal court. Can they weave their way through the tangled web of centuries-old alliances and ruthless feuds to find what they’ve been looking for? Friends will be revealed, enemies will find them, and a dangerous secret will come to light.
The Force of Wind is the third book in the four-part Elemental Mysteries series. It is a paranormal mystery/romance for adult readers.
4.5 stars — This series is just solid, I’m both excited for the final book, and not willing to let it go yet.
I definitely got frustrated with Gio in a few places in this book. He was just so stubborn, holding on to her humanity for reasons that didn’t feel good enough for me. He was being very “I know better than you”, and he really should have learned that lesson from the end of the previous book. In that way I felt the parallels with Twilight a bit stronger — the heroine who wants one thing, the hero holding out for “reasons”. He wasn’t all frustrating, he had some great moments where he truly appreciated B for all that she was…but he was up and down for a bit, and I wanted a bit more from him.
I feel like I can’t talk about a lot of what happened in this book, b/c I 100% think you should go in unspoiled. But let’s just say there were some developments that absolutely delighted me.
B is still pretty strong, stubborn, and savvy. There were quite a few moments where she was able to shine. But we were also reminded of how new she is to this world, and I appreciated that.
The whole 8 immortals thing was interesting. I’m glad it wasn’t more prominent, b/c there was just enough to be interesting without becoming wrapped up in that. I loved Lan. I can’t believe that in 10 years non-binary has become so much more normalized, b/c all I could think when they were debating their gender was “uh, non-binary, duh.” But 10 years ago, it just wasn’t as prominent in the public consciousness, so I get it.
I definitely had a lot of ups and downs in this book. Moments where I laughed, moments where I cringed, and wholeheartedly moments where I cried.
Lorenzo is still creepy and effective as a villain. I can’t wait until they kill him.
I have lots of theories about people, though most are probably too far-fetched. But that doesn’t make it any less fun to speculate.
I missed the humans in this one, as well as Carwyn. But I was glad we got to learn more about Tenzin — because there was a lot to learn. And her mate as well.
I’m not sure how I feel about Baojia. I like him as a character, but not super impressed with the vaguely teased potential love triangle — I just don’t need that in this story. He’s feeling like the Jacob of this story, which is a bummer for him.
So yeah, lots of thoughts, can’t really articulate them without spoilers, so this is what you get.
COYER Community: I buddy read this book with Brandee, and she also gave it 4.5 stars (her review). This book in particular is where having a buddy to read with really stood out, because there were SOOOOO many things to talk about! We can’t wait for the finale!
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