(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon using Amazon Affiliate links)
Down The TBR Hole is a meme created by Lia @ Lost in a Story that revolves around cleansing your TBR of all those books you’re never going to read and sort through it all to know what’s actually on there.
It works like this:
- Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
- Read the synopses of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
This is all Lillian @Mom With a Reading Problem‘s fault. She started doing this, and I couldn’t help but look at my Kindle, and all the titles that I don’t even remember what they’re about, and I just figured maybe I should start the CLEANSE. It’s about the only CLEANSE you’ll see me participate in. I’m going to be focussing entirely on my Kindle book problem at the moment, since it’s the craziest (and it’s what features most prominently in my Goodreads TBR). And I’ve decided if a book goes, then I’m deleting it from my Kindle cloud library too — GONE! Poof! JUST DO IT! My internal hoarder is screaming right now.
ETA: OK, if I’m truly waffling over one of them, I’m giving you all like a couple days to convince me otherwise before I delete them. So speak now! (This is your fault Ashley)
As of writing this post, my current Goodreads TBR shelf has 1584 books on it. No, that’s not a typo. You see why this meme might be good for me. I’ve also decided that if I get rid of the first book in a series, and I have other books in that series, I’m going to get rid of them at the same time instead of waiting until they show up.
Downcast (Olympus Falling #1) by Cait Reynolds — Meh.
Verdict: Goes
Touch the Sky (Free Fall #1) by Christina Lee & Nyrae Dawn — I really enjoyed book 3 in this series, so I will be keeping 1, 2, and 4.
Verdict: Stays
Chasing Daybreak (The Dark of Night #1) by Ranae Glass — Rereleased under the Sherry D. Ficklin penname, and with the series named Palmetto Vampires. I’m just not feeling it.
Verdict: Goes
The Man I Love (The Fish Tales #1) by Suanne Laqueur — I’m not sure this book is for me, but I have 3 books in this series and everyone I know loved it. And I just don’t feel like taking the time to think about it, so they all stay for now.
Verdict: Stays
Love in the 80s anthology (Love in the 80s #1-10) by Various Authors — Yeah, I fully intend to read at least a few (if not all) of these…only read one so far. So that’s 10 to keep (9 unread novellas and the boxed set itself on my TBR).
Verdict: Stays
Wild Irish Boxed Set (Wild Irish #1-4) by Mari Carr — OK, in truth I’ve read the entire Wild Irish series…but this was before I even had a Goodreads I think. Or maybe back when I wasn’t sure I was going to review Erotic Romance. Either way, they’re all marked “to be read” on my Goodreads, but since I know I want to reread them, I’ll leave them that way for now. So that’s 8 to stay (7 books plus this boxed set).
Verdict: Stays
White-Hot Hack (Kate and Ian #2) by Tracey Garvis Graves — I enjoyed the first book, but according to my review one of my complaints was too much mundanity. And looking at the reviews for this one, it appears that continues in this story. And since I don’t even remember the story that well, I’m not feeling compelled to finish the duology. So I’m putting it on the to go pile.
Verdict: Goes
Wrong Bed, Right Guy (Come Undone #1) by Katee Robert — Meh.
Verdict: Goes
Back of Beyond (Complicated Love #1) by Neeny Boucher — I do love me some awkward characters, but I think I only got this one because of a blogger rec, and I’m just not feeling it for some reason. So it goes.
Verdict: Goes
Addicted to You (Port Lucia #1) by Renita Pizzitola — I was full on going to keep this one, but it sounds like it didn’t live up to the original series it spun off on. I don’t think I want to be disappointed, so maybe I’ll just go back and reread those.
I’m jealous you have that Love in the 80s boxset! I would buy it, but I really only want to read Yarros’ and maybe Higginson’s stories. I never read that second Ian and Kate book either.