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My Review:Title: Grim and Bear It
Author: Juliette Cross
Series: Stay a Spell #6
Published by: Indie
Release Date: May 9, 2023
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 368
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Reading Challenges: Lenoreo's 2023 COYER Chapter 2
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon
My rating:![]()
Blurb:Not even Death can take her from him.
Clara Savoie is so confused. She is absolutely positive that Henry Blackwater is practically in love with her. But for some strange reason, he won’t even ask her on a single date. Time to take matters into her own hands.
When Clara shows up on his doorstep with an unusual invitation, tempting cupcakes, and naughty innuendo, Henry has no choice but to say yes. Now he’s the newest member of the High Tea Romance Book Club. While Clara learns the haunting secrets of her broody grim, Henry shows her what commitment from a necromancer truly means.
But when his father is arrested for murder, Henry is dragged back into the nightmare he’s been avoiding all his life. When he steps back into his father’s world, he isn’t just endangering himself but also the bright, beautiful woman he can no longer live without. But he just might have to.
5 stars — You know how you start a series, and you know who all the heroines are going to be in a series (say, if it’s about 6 witch sisters), and almost right from the start, you know EXACTLY which one is your favourite, and whose story you are most looking forward to? And then you wait and wait, and grow more and more intrigued and impatient, only to find out that they have the last book? And then you’ve fallen soooo in love with them and their future mate already, and you’re still excited, but it’s also laced with this impending sense of doom, because there’s no way that this story can live up to your expectations, because seriously, when does it ever??? You feel me?
Oh Clara. You are officially inducted into the girl crush hall of fame. I have truly loved all the Savoie sisters, and I adore that they are all so different and unique. But let’s face it, we all will naturally gravitate towards some over others. And for me, Clara was the top. She was so unbelievably good and kind and just wonderful, but then she was also mixed with the perfect blend of sass and mischief. I adored her. I fell even more in love with her in this book. I ached with her insecurities, and I hurrahed with her sense of calm and confidence. I laughed and cried with her. She’s the shit.
And it’s pretty rare to have a perfect book girl crush without a wonderfully complementary book boy, and Henry was so much more than I was expecting. Learning about his past and how it affected him and turned him into the brooding Grim we’ve seen in the past 5 books just broke my heart. Getting to see his delightfully sensitive and romantic heart had me swooning right alongside Clara. Seeing him overcome the things in his past and grow and heal, just perfect.
Needless to say I loved them together. I loved how enraptured they were with one another, how joyous they were getting together. And they had such wonderful banter and teasing mixed in.
That first tag line of the blurb had me on tenterhooks waiting for a shoe to drop…and I waited quite awhile. But I loved that we got to see them together for so much before their relationship was stressed with the action-y bits.
All in all it was the perfect ending for the sisters. I loved the feeling of the extended epilogue we got with glimpses of all our characters. And obviously I would LOVE more in this world, so my fingers will remain crossed.
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