Category: Challenges

Wicked Wonderland by Luann McLane, Susanna Carr, Janice Maynard

Wicked Wonderland by Luann McLane, Susanna Carr, Janice Maynard

I found this book at my library in the sale room. Yes, we have a whole ROOM dedicated to books for sale at my library, pretty awesome huh? I think it was right before Katie from Just Another Girl and Her Books in association with Caroline Andrus: author and blogger, started sign ups for the #12booksofxmas […]

Breaking the Ice by Julie Cross

Breaking the Ice by Julie Cross

4 stars — Earlier in the year I read book 1 in this series and really enjoyed it, despite it being very different from YAs I usually read.  And so I was excited to see another book set in the town of Juniper Falls.  And this one was similarly engaging and yet SOOOOO different!!  Honestly, […]

The Way Back to Us by Jamie Howard

The Way Back to Us by Jamie Howard

4 stars — I had a bit of a harder time getting sucked into this one, but I can’t figure out if that had more to do with me and my frazzled mind, or the book…  That’s always the kicker eh?  Which, obviously if I still gave it 4 stars, does not mean the book […]

Dance with Me by Alexis Daria

Dance with Me by Alexis Daria

4 stars — Well this was a fun sequel!  I loved being back in the Dance Off world and finding out what was happening with Natasha, but the fun thing was that this was a completely different story to the first one!  It may have been set in the same world, but it wasn’t during […]