It’s that time of year again! When we get to binge on ALL the xmas books. Now I bet you were thinking, how can we make Xmas reading better than it already is? And the answer is….
::drumroll please::

- Tell everybody about the 12 Books of Christmas Challenge (#12BooksOfXmas).
- Build a blog post or create a Goodreads shelf of the books you intend to read for the challenge (you can see mine here.) You can read outside your list, this is just a starting point. Then come back and add your name to the link-up below. (Be sure to visit the other bloggers to see what they’ll be reading.) Bloggers, please link back to Just Another Girl and Her Books page so others can find the sign-up if they wish to join.
- Reviews must be posted between November 24 and December 24. The review link-up will open on November 24th. Bookmark this page to add your reviews as you get them posted.
- Any winter holiday themed books count (i.e.: Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa etc.)
- There are four achievement levels for this challenge, so read as few or as many books as you want.
- Have fun!
Let the Xmas reading begin……NOW!
I am only doing two new ones this year and they are very genre specific. In fact, one gives you the exact book to read for each month, which helps me cause I don’t have to look for books in that genre. 🙂
Plus they have the added incentive of being pretty small, only 12 books per new challenge. Now, add that to my two I plan on doing every year AND attempting to finish the two I didn’t last year; whew, I have six challenges total this year. Wait, that’s more than last year. I said I wasn’t going to do more! ::throws hands in the air:: Oh well, here are they are….
Decades of Sci-Fi Reading Challenge being hosted by Sci-Fi and Scary.
I’m super bummed about this but there is nothing to be done. 🙁
This is the most straightforward challenge. 12 books, 1 a month, 1 for each decade back to 1900.
You may DNF 2 at the 33% mark.
- In the Days of the Comet by H.G. Wells. My review
- A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs. My review
- The Clockwork Man by William Jablonsky
- Pirates of Venus by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
- What Mad Universe by Fredric Brown
- The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury
- Ubik by Philip K. Dick
- Lucifer’s Hammer by Larry Niven
- Neuromancer by William Gibson
- Snowcrash by Neal Stephenson
- Ready Player One by Earnest Cline
- Blindsight by Peter Watts
Back to the Classics reading challenge being hosted by Books and Chocolate.
Here’s how it works: 12 classic books in a year.
Here are the categories:
1. A 19th Century Classic – any book published between 1800 and 1899. Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott
2. A 20th Century Classic – any book published between 1900 and 1967. In the Days of The Comet by H.G. Wells. My Review.
3. A classic by a woman author.
4. A classic in translation.
5. A classic published before 1800.
6. A romance classic.
7. A Gothic or horror classic.
8. A classic with a number in the title. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradury. My Review.
9. A classic about an animal or which includes the name of an animal in the title. The Lion, the Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. My review.
10. A classic set in a place you’d like to visit. The Wizard of Oz by Frank L Baum. My Review
11. An award-winning classic.
12. A Russian Classic.
And now, the rest of the rules:
- All books must have been written at least 50 years ago; therefore, books must have been written by 1967 to qualify for this challenge. The ONLY exceptions are books published posthumously.
- Books may NOT cross over within this challenge.
- Children’s classics are acceptable, but please, no more than 3 total for the challenge. Single short stories and short poems do not count, but you may use epic poems like The Odyssey and short story collections like The Canterbury Tales, as long as it is the entire book.
**Sidenote: there are other rules to this challenge because there are gifts up for grabs. However, I am not playing to win something. I am just doing it for funnsies.
Ok, I tried to find the new years post for Finishing the Series reading challenge hosted by Bea’s Book Nook but I can’t seem to find it. So in lieu of that challenge I have made my own entitled CC’s Year of the Finale Challenge. (That’s me) This challenge is less like a challenge and more like a restriction actually. Here’s the rules:
No starting anymore series until I have finished at least 5 I am currently reading. So in other words; for every 5 series I finish I can start a new on! 🙂 Hopefully this will curb my urge to start any new series. 🙂 We will see.
Goal: I am going for 10 series this year. Update: I have decided to include series that I never finished but ended up reviewing.
- Brightest Kind Of Darkness by P.T. Michelle
- Lucid (BKOD #2) by P.T. Michelle
- Destiny (BKOD# 3) by P.T. Michelle
- Desire (BKOD #4) by P.T. Michelle
- Awaken (BKOD #5) by P.T. Michelle
2. The Line That Binds (The Line That Binds #1) by J.M. Miller
- The Line That Breaks (The Line That Binds #2) by J.M. Miller
3. The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol. 1 (MC Chronicles #1) By Bink Cummings
- The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol. 2 (MC Chronicles #2) By Bink Cummings
- The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol. 3 (MC Chronicles #3) by Bink Cummings
- The Diary of Bink Cummings Vol. 4 (MC Chronicles #4) by Bink Cummings
4. The University Park Series by C.M. Doporto
- Opposing Sides (University Park #1) by C.M. Doporto (Goodreads review)
- The Same Side (University Park #2) by C.M. Deporto (Goodreads review)
- The Winning Side (University Park #3) by C.M. Doporto
- I bet you’re wondering why I stopped at book three. BEcause the other three books are the same story from a different POV and I feel that they are redundant and therefore are not needed to read in order to satisfy the series read.
Finishing my 2016 Book Bingo challenge hosted by Just Another Girl and Her Books. I only have three books left on that one!
- Reader’s Choice –> Reasons I Fell for the Funny Fat Friend by Cassie Mae
- Contemporary –> Breaking up with Barrett by Katy Regnery
- Historical –> Whispered Music by Rachel Van Dyken
- LGBT –> 90 Days by T.E. Ridener
- Christian –>Back in the Saddle by Ruth Logan Herne
- Christmas –> Sweet Inspiration by Patty Watson
Science Fiction:
- Dystopian –>The Beautiful Dead by Daryl Banner
- Steampunk –> Haven by A.R. Ivanovich
- Space Opera –> Purity by Evangeline Anderson
- Alien Invasion –>Behind the Stars by Leigh Talbert Moore
- Post Apocalyptic –>Shadow Falling (The Scorpius Syndrome #2) by Rebecca Zanetti
- Cozy –> A Cutthroat Business by Jenna Bennet
- Historical –>Brooklyn on Fire by Lawrence H. Levy
- Woman Sleuth –>Fatal Affair by Marie Force
- African American –>Status by Jordan Belcher
- Fantasy –> The Sounds of Sirens by Jen Minkman
- Romance –> Souls (Grimnirs book 2) by Ednah Walters
- LGBT –>Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
- Paranormal –> Seeress (Runes book 4) by Ednah Walters
- Horror –>The Spider Catcher by A.L. Tyler
- Memoir –> Bossypants by Tina Fey
- Parody –>
- Comedy –>Squirrel Bait (Chips Dollar Dreadfuls Book 1) by Chip Davis
- Political –> The Bellator Saga by Cecilia London
- Translated to English –>
Finishing the Read Harder Challenge from 2016 hosted by Book Riot. I have about 14 books to finish to complete this one.
Read a book with a main character that has a mental illness –> 90 Days by T.E. Ridener
Ones in red are books I haven’t finished yet…
Normally I would have the Platypire Diversity challenge on here as well, but I just don’t think I have it in me to complete it this year. So I am sitting this one out this year. If I finish my others quickly I may start it but for now, I’ll just have to watch from the sidelines cheering everyone on. Go Team Go!!!!
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