Tag: friends to lovers

Game of Hearts by Cathy Yardley

Game of Hearts by Cathy Yardley

5 stars — You know when you eat an amazing meal of your favourite foods, and when you’re finished you slump back in your chair with a smile of pure giddiness and satisfaction on your face?  Yeah, that’s what I looked like when I finished this book.  I’m not sure I’ll even be able to […]

Posted January 28, 2018 by lenoreo in Reviews / 7 Comments
The Locker Room by Amy Lane

The Locker Room by Amy Lane

ORIGINAL REVIEW: 5 stars — Well, at first I was thinking this review was going to be utterly pointless with just a bunch of gushing b/c I was so overwhelmed after I finished. But then I figured maybe I should sit down and actually figure out what specific things worked for me. B/C I don’t […]

Posted December 30, 2017 by lenoreo in Reviews / 1 Comment
Winter Ball by Amy Lane

Winter Ball by Amy Lane

3.5 stars — I enjoyed this one, but to be truthful it just made me want to reread The Locker Room (which I did…review coming soon).  I liked both Skipper and Richie, but they did feel a bit young…but that could be just the nature of these two characters.  They did feel authentic though, that wasn’t […]

Posted December 15, 2017 by lenoreo in Reviews / 1 Comment
Just One of the Boys by Leah and Kate Rooper

Just One of the Boys by Leah and Kate Rooper

4.5 stars — Well, I decided to start this one at midnight because I wasn’t quite tired yet…next thing I know it’s 5:30 am and I’m finished.  If that doesn’t tell you something, I don’t know what will.  I was sucked right in, it was very compelling for me.  If you’re a fan of Twelfth […]

Posted November 15, 2017 by lenoreo in Reviews / 0 Comments
The Perfect Couple by Ginger Scott

The Perfect Couple by Ginger Scott

Blurb: The perfect couple. Nicole Laramie and Chase Pennington would forever be called that in their home town of Rider Springs. Chase’s grandmother, Evelyn, thought her neighbors’ only daughter and her grandson were made for each other ever since the two of them were kids. When Chase climbed a tree, Nicole climbed it higher. When […]

Chance of a Lifetime by Marissa Clarke

Chance of a Lifetime by Marissa Clarke

4.5 stars — SQUEEEEEE!!!!  This was totally my kind of book!!!  I loved the characters, I loved the chemistry, I loved the steaminess!!  It just totally worked for me. I actually put it higher on the reading queue b/c it fit for a Diversity Challenge theme this month, and I absolutely LOVED what Gen being […]

Posted October 31, 2017 by lenoreo in Reviews / 2 Comments