Top Ten Fictional Crushes

Posted February 9, 2016 by lenoreo in Top Ten Tuesday / 0 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday
(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in which you make a list of ten to do with a certain topic.  This week was a Valentine’s Day Freebie — “Top Ten Books That Would Make Great Valentine’s Day Reads (or anti-Valentine’s day reads), Top Ten OTPs, Top 10 fictional crushes, top ten great love declarations in fiction, swoony quotes from books etc. Get creative!” So since we’d have a hard time coming up with 10 OTPs, swoony quotes or love declarations, we chose to share our “Fictional Crushes.”

Curly Carla’s Top Ten:

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  1. Broken Skies by Theresa Kay.  This book holds quite a few titles for me. It’s one of my all-time favorite books.  And Lir is all the things!…..ugh, I love him so much.  (*sigh from Lenore* Lir…)
  2. Cinder & Ella by Kelly Oram.  This book also holds a diversity title.  Cinder isn’t afraid to show how he feels, a very attractive trait in a male.
  3. Fallen Crest High by Tijan.  Logan is the one I have a huge crush on.  His fun loving but ferociously loyal side is extremely attractive to me.
  4. On Solid Ground by Melissa Collins. Dax is so adorable in this book, I just want to fold him up and stick him in my pocket.
  5. Neanderthal Seeks Human by Penny Reid.  Quinn is soooo yummy.  This book is free!
  6. Reign by Chanda Hahn.  I may get crap for this but I always liked Teague better than Jared.  This is book 4 in the series so don’t go reading it unless you read the others.
  7. Love And Decay by Rachel Higginson.  Okay, so this should count as three because I have a crush on Kane. #teamkane and Hendrix and Vaughan… Mostly Vaughan. The first six episodes are free!
  8. Callum & Harper by Fisher Amelie.  Ahhh, Callum, he is such a sweetheart. (Lenore totally agrees!!!  He was on her list too.)
  9. Red Rising by Pierce Brown.  OMG, Darrow is so deeply layered and what he fights for is soooo romantic.
  10. Behind the Stars by Leigh Talbert Moore.  Gallatin is so unassuming and quiet at first.  He is very kind and patient.  I really crushed hard on him.

Lenoreo’s Top Ten:

Curly stole a few of my favourite crushes, but surprisingly I didn’t have a problem finding more.  đŸ˜‰


  1. Alec from Crazy About Love by Cassie Mae — OK, OK, this one is a bit of a cheat b/c this book doesn’t even release until this summer….  But I was lucky enough to beta read this book, and Alec is just all kinds of swoonworthy beta male.  If you have a weakness for the shy guy, the awkward adorable guy, then you are going to fall in LOVE.
  2. Wesley from Switched by Cassie Mae — OK, I know it’s the same author, but what can I say?  She writes my kind of book boys.  Prior to reading Alec in December, Wesley was always my default answer when people asked about your favourite book boyfriend.  He laughs too loud, he has a bit of a childish sense of humour, but his heart is just incomparable.  (not to mention he plays the guitar and has nipple rings…smoking hot)
  3. Kiran from Reckless Magic (the Star-Crossed series) by Rachel Higginson — Oh Kiran…Kiran Kiran Kiran.  The thing about this boy is that he grows so much over the series.  So he starts off as a bit of a cocky asshole, but there’s just something kind of swoonworthy about him (probably those kissing scenes Ms. Higginson writes).  But by the final book, you start seeing all that Kiran has gone through, and the ways that he has grown as a character, and it’s just….magic.  đŸ˜‰
  4. Ben from The Five Stages of Falling in Love by Rachel Higginson — Again, repeat author…but can I help it if Ms. Higginson writes amazing book boys?  And Ben Tyler is the ultimate in book boyfriends.  He is patient, kind, has an amazing sense of humour…and the way he loves Liz?  *swoony sigh*
  5. Grayson from The Avery Shaw Experiment by Kelly Oram — Grayson is nothing like what I thought I would fall in love with — the popular high school jock.  But beneath his cocky exterior, he’s just sweet and adorable and hilarious and so worthy of sighs.
  6. Zander from Spark of Light by Alex Tuttle — From my review: “And OMG Zander. *sigh* *swoon* He’s not your typical hero AT ALL. He *almost* has a beta thing going for him. He’s definitely not an alpha. But he’s so sweet, and sensitive, and freaking sexy, and inquisitive, and kind. Oh, he has his faults, but meh….I’ll take him.
  7. Eli from Love Found by Caylie Marcoe — Another deliciously sweet and adorable guy…he was patient and understanding, but not a pushover…I wanted him for myself.
  8. Nate from This is Falling by Ginger Scott — Oh yeah, Nate Preeter was all that and a bag of chips.  Almost too good to be true, but I’m ok with that.
  9. Logan from Over the Ocean by Georgia St. Mane — From my review: “He was sweet, a wee bit shy and awkward, and basically just good guy perfection. I don’t mind the bad boys, but I LOVE the good guys…”
  10. Liam from The Boy Who Sneaks in my Bedroom Window by Kirsty Moseley — This was one of those books I’ve reread a million times, and it’s mostly due to Liam.  I can’t even describe it — he’s another cocky jock, but he has this amazing sensitive side and he’s so protective of Amber!  Just writing this is making me want to read it again (read him again).


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