(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon)
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in which you make a list of ten to do with a certain topic. This week’s topic is “Ten Books That Will Make You Laugh (or at least chuckle).”
Lenoreo’s Top Fifteen or So:
Most of my entries are there based solely on the banter of the characters. I don’t read a lot of straight up comedy, so the comedy comes from the interactions of the characters (or occasionally the internal thoughts of one of the characters).
- Playing for Keeps by R.L. Mathewson — The hero in this story, Jason, is utterly hilarious. His food obsession was just…beyond words funny. It was over the top and awesome. Still my favourite book of the series too (and it’s free!!).
- Just One Night by Lauren Layne — Actually, all of the books in the Stiletto series have great moments of hilarity, but the bantering in this one with the super awesome Riley and Sam just put it above the others.
- Love Me Never by Sara Wolf — Isis, the heroine, is beyond hilarious. Her inner thoughts just had me in stitches.
- Accidentally Married by Victorine E. Lieske — The writing was straightforward and hilarious, and Madison in particular was so funny in her vindictiveness.
- Seduced by Stratton by Katy Regnery — Valeria in particular, was hilarious. Loved the interactions between Valeria and Stratton.
- Just a Little Kiss by Renita Pizzitola — The bantering between Mason and Felicity was awesome. Actually, this is book 3 in a series that can be read as standalones, and book 2, Just a Little Flirt, was equally awesome in its bantering hilarity. Definitely recommend.
- Unconditional by Cherie M. Hudson — And I just discovered this is book 1 in a series, gonna have to look up the next ones. This is another case of the heroine’s, Maci, head being an absolutely hilarious place to be.
- Roomies by Lindy Zart — And another super hilarious heroine, Kennedy. Her oddball eccentricities made this book, though they could occasionally push me just a bit too far.
- The Reluctant King by Rachel Higginson — I actually love all of Ms. Higginson’s work, and find that her wit and banter is found in each of the characters she creates. The funny thing about this book is that this is the first book in a spin-off series to her original 4 book Star-Crossed series, and you should probably start with the first book in the original series (Reckless Magic) before diving in here. But I just can’t say enough about Avalon, our hero for this story, and how funny he could be. He definitely found the perfect counterpart in Amelia.
- Dizzy by Nyrae Dawn and Jolene Perry — Two of my favourite authors, and they wrote a pair of MCs that had a lot of wit and just plain awesomeness.
- Tangled by Emma Chase — OK, this one is actually more popular (see? I don’t always read obscure books), and I was leery of it as such, but it was definitely popular for a reason. Drew was hilarious. Full stop. I hopefully get to meet Ms. Chase at an event in less than 2 weeks, so I’m hoping to get a signed copy for my bookshelf!
- The Libby Garrett Intervention by Kelly Oram — I love everything Kelly Oram writes, but Libby Garrett was in a world of her own…she is so unique and funny, I just loved her story.
- Prima Donna by Laura Drewry — OMG, this was my favourite book of this series of related standalones, and that was all thanks to Regan and Carter and their hilarious interactions.
- Anything For You by Sarah Mayberry — This is another one of my goto authors when I want great wit and banter with my characters, and this book was no exception.
- The Princess Bride by William Goldman — If you loved the movie, then just know that the book is the movie++. It is everything fantastic from the movie, but with just so much more. I actually haven’t read it in a long time, and need to read it again.
Oh but wait, I’m not done. Because I haven’t even mentioned my favourite author who brings a special brand of humour to each and every one of her books — Cassie Mae. I’ve listed books of hers on my TTT’s before, and didn’t want to just swamp the list with all Cassie books (though I honestly could have, seriously EVERY SINGLE BOOK of hers). So I decided to pick one series and highlight it: The Beds series that she cowrote with Tessa Marie (Theresa Paolo) under her other penname Becca Ann — King Sized Beds & Happy Trails, Beach Side Beds & Sandy Paths, Lonesome Beds & Bumpy Roads, and the prequel novella True Love & Magic Tricks. The strength of this series lies in the fantastic friendships of all the lead characters — Ryan, Lexie, Nate and Kaylee. And I cannot even begin to enumerate the hilarious scenes in these books, though my most favourite all seem to be in BSB (the gyno appt and the banana are tops).
So what books tickle your funny bone?? Have you read any on my list?? Please feel free to share your own lists or give me your suggestions!!
That’s a lot of books I’ve never heard before. Princess Bride is the only one I’ve heard before. I’m going to check them out, especially the Star-Crossed series.
PS: Got confused with Becca Ann and Cassie Mae until I realized it was a pen name. >_<
Oh my goodness, thanks for pointing that out! I’m going to go fix my post…:)
I read a lot of indie or small press authors, so I’m sure most people haven’t heard of most of these books. 🙂
I just finished Playing For Keeps recently.Jason is adorable, with him being banned on Las Vegas buffets. Lol. Oh, and his dad too…😁
Jason’s kids are awww….💜
I haven’t read those books in a while! I don’t remember Jason’s kids!! Was that in a later book, or am I just crazy?
It’s on the epilogue. You’re not crazy.❤
Playing for Keeps is on a few lists today. I am intrigued! Lots of books to consider from this. I will be adding some to my TBR since I haven’t read many funny books.
Here is my TTT:https://dwgitau.wordpress.com/2016/04/19/top-ten-tuesday-ten-books-that-will-not-make-you-cry/
I hope you find some that make you laugh!! 🙂
I have Playing for Keeps on my list too.❤
Here’s mine:
Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books That Will Make You Laugh – http://wp.me/p7ksIu-3O
I feel sooo guilty that I’ve seen The Princess Bride COUNTLESS times but never read the book. AHHHH the bookworm shame. XD I will definitely remedy that, and I’m seeing it on countless lists today, so that’s epic because I LOVE funny books!! 😀 Here’s my TTT!
I guarantee that you will love it!! 🙂
I definitely need to read more humorous romance (although Molly Harper made my list), and Princess Bride is on my top ten too!
I love humourous romance, so I’ll definitely have to look up Molly Harper and check out your list! 🙂
Roomies looks cute… and I can’t believe I haven’t read The Princess Bride!! I should do that one of these days 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my list!
Roomies was cute in an extremely zany kind of way! I hope you enjoy it if you check it out! 🙂 Thanks for the return love!
I looooove The Princess Bride. 💚
Princess Bride is the only one I have read. Some of them look hilarious though.:)
Well I think so at least! If you decide to check them out, I hope you enjoy them too!! 🙂
Avalon! ::sigh::
I’m on a Cassie Mae kick right now so I need to get me those books!
You won’t regret it chickie!! TL&MT is currently not available on kindle, but I’ve heard a rumour it will be available to new newsletter subscribers, so keep your eyes peeled!
I am too slow – I’ve only read one of these – <3 Katy Regnery
She is fantastic!!! I’ve only read her English Brothers (and one of the other family) series, but I have more of her books in my queue. Need to get to them!
Roomies looks really cute!
It’s actually really kind of zany!! It surprised me!
I’ve never read any of these, but I went in a similar direction with my list! Great choices! 😀
Here are my Top Ten!
Thanks!! 🙂
character banter is so much fun! My TTT
It’s like my bread and butter for great stories!! Always a common thread in my reviews.
“Accidentally Married” sounds (and LOOKS!) so cute. I remember seeing that series on another book blogger friend’s site, so thanks for the reminder! 🙂
Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland. I appreciate you stopping by. 🙂
Thanks for the return visit!! I need to read the rest of the series after Accidentally Married, there are 2 more books and I’m sure they’re just as adorable and funny! 🙂
I only know The Princess Bride and Tangled, which is on my list too even if I found it to be too funny for my liking LOL
ROFL! Now I’m curious and need to check out your list and what you had to say! 🙂
I can honestly say I haven’t heard of any of these titles but I love that they are humorous and I might be looking for a bit more of that in the future.
Well if you do decide to check one of these out, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!! 🙂
So I’ve had Princess Bride for FOREVER. I think now I’ll bump it up on my list!! 🙂
You won’t regret it Anita!! 🙂
I haven’t read any of these! WHAT! I need to read the princess bride. I’m actually watching it right now.
HIGHLY recommend The Princess Bride…you won’t regret it!! 🙂
I’ve read The Princess Bride and Tangled and I agree with you, both were pretty funny. I think I laughed a little more with The Princess Bride though. I have Roomies on my TBR list, I’ll have to get to that one soon. I’m adding a lot of the ones on your list to my TBR because they sound great! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for visiting my TTT! Happy reading!
Oh yeah, The Princess Bride is kind of hard to top.
I hope you find something that tickles your funny bone as much as it did mine!! 🙂