For Better or Worse by Lauren Layne

Posted August 24, 2016 by lenoreo in NetGalley ARCs, Reviews / 0 Comments

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For Better or Worse by Lauren LayneTitle: For Better or Worse
Author: Lauren Layne
Series: The Wedding Belles #2
Published by: Pocket Books
Release Date: August 30, 2016
Format: eARC
Pages: 368
Genres: Romance, Contemporary
Source: NetGalley
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ B&N ✩ Google ✩ Kobo ✩ iBooks ✩ IndieBound ✩ Book Depository
My rating: four-half-stars


Will a budding wedding planner and her bad boy neighbor stop banging heads and start hearing wedding bells in the sexy second novel in USA TODAY bestselling author Lauren Layne’s irresistible new series that marries Sex and the City with The Wedding Planner?

When small-town girl Heather Fowler finally gets promoted from assistant to actual wedding planner, she’s determined to make it as one of Manhattan’s elite Wedding Belles. Unfortunately, her first client demands an opulent black-tie affair at the Plaza…in five months’ time. Heather’s days quickly become a flurry of cake tastings, dress-fittings, RSVP cards, and bridal tantrums. But what she’s really losing sleep over is the live music blaring from her playboy neighbor’s apartment all night.

Five years ago, Josh Tanner was an up-and-comer on Wall Street, complete with the penthouse and the migraines. But a grim cancer diagnosis made him realize there is more to life than the corner office. If only he could convince his pretty, workaholic neighbor to let loose, too. As Heather lets down her guard, Josh is surprised when he starts falling for the sweet, vulnerable woman hiding beneath those power suits. Soon, it’s Heather’s turn to convince Josh to take the biggest risk of all: love.

My Review:

I received a free copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.

4.5 stars — Oh heck yes!!  The chemistry and bantering between Josh and Heather MADE this book amazing, from start to finish.  I can’t even tell you how many times I laughed.  I mean, mostly it was at the outrageous things that came out of Josh’s mouth…any man that can make me snort is a winner in my book.  But honestly, Heather and Josh just fit so well together.  She was sassy and held her own against him in their many battles of words.  The two of them together were just packed full of chemistry, so when we got to the sexy times, it was totally hot.

I enjoyed their own individual stories as well.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about Heather and her Mom dynamics.  I was sad for her at Thanksgiving, but I kind of understood what her Mom was getting at when they had their conversation at Christmas.  I still thought her Mom could have shown a bit more effort at enjoying Heather’s life with her, even if Heather had her own things to work out besides all that.

And Josh had a bit of a heartbreaking story of his own.  I really enjoyed his family dynamics, and how his history had affected them.  He had his own figuring out to do, and growing and developing.  Occasionally it was frustrating to watch him dig in his heels, but at the same time it felt realistic for what he was going through and I really felt his fear.  (but seriously, what is with me finding these Cancer books right now?  Is there a conspiracy?)

All in all this has been my absolute fave of the series so far.  I’m still unsure how I’m going to enjoy Alexis and Logan’s book next, I really can’t get a feel for how that’s going to work and what kind of character Alexis actually is.  But in truth, Heather’s book was the one I was most looking forward to, and it totally lived up to my expectations.  Even though Josh had a bit of a player start, I totally fell in love with him and his smart mouth.  I could read so much more of him.

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0 responses to “For Better or Worse by Lauren Layne

    • It was on one of my TTTs when we were talking about books we were looking forward to in the latter half of 2016…so that could be why. It comes out next week I think. I have it on preorder.

  1. Alisha Webster

    I love your reviews. I’m not sure I would normally grab this but now I feel like I need it. lol

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