Top Ten Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn’t Get To

Posted January 9, 2018 by lenoreo in Top Ten Tuesday / 11 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday
(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon using Amazon Affiliate links)

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish in which you make a list of ten to do with a certain topic.  This week’s topic is “Ten Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn’t Get To (and totallyyyy plan to get to in 2018!!).”

Curly Carla’s Top Ten:

  1. Something in the Way (Something in the Way #1) by Jessica Hawkins. I got this book via Netgalley and STILL haven’t read it.
  2. Practically Imperfect (Imperfect #3) by Mary Frame. I read the first two and this could go to my Finishing the series challenge!
  3. Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo. I’ve had this on my TBR forever it seems.
  4. The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie Stiefvater. I’ve heard good things from my blogging friends.
  5. Slammed (Slammed #1) by Colleen Hoover. I own this book and really need to read it soon.
  6. Cold: Essays on Love, Faith, Family and Other Dangerous Pursuits by Victoria Dougherty. I’ve been reading this since October 2017.
  7. Win (The Atlantis Grail #3) by Vera Nazarian. I kinda stalled out when I started this one, I need to get back into it.
  8. Shroud of Lies (Brewer Brothers #3) by Nancy Straight. This has been on my TBR list for a LONG time.
  9. Broken Records by Cassie Mae and Tessa Marie. It wouldn’t be a TTT without a CM book on it! LOL.
  10. How I Fall (How I Fall #1) by Anne Eliot. I own both of these books but have yet to start the series.

Lenoreo’s Top Ten:

  1. Happily Ever After (Cinder & Ella #2) by Kelly Oram — It pains me that I haven’t read this one yet…other books just got prioritized ahead, you know?  But I need to know what happens with Ella and Brian.
  2. The Score (Off-Campus #3) by Elle Kennedy — I honestly thought I would finish this series off in 2017, and then I just didn’t.  I need to get this one (and the next one) read before March for Apollycon though!
  3. Broken Records by Cassie Mae & Tessa Marie — This one was on my TTT of 2016 releases I didn’t get to in 2016, and I can’t believe I didn’t read it in all of 2017.  This must be remedied!
  4. Anatomy of a Player (Taking Shots #2) by Cindi Madsen — I’ve actually read the first and last book of this series, and meant to fill in the blanks in 2017…but just never did.  This is another series I need to complete by mid March!
  5. Ready to Run (I Do, I Don’t #1) by Lauren Layne — This is one of those books that I got as a NetGalley ARC in the summer, and then it just got missed…and I adore Ms. Layne’s books, so I need to get back to this one!
  6. Bad Romeo (Starcrossed #1) by Leisa Rayven — I picked up the paperbacks of this series from Book Outlet at the end of 2016 and meant to get to them since it’s been highly recommended by a friend.  I wanted to read them before the Big Apple Author Event in October, but now I’m hoping to get to it before Book Bonanza in July.
  7. Bittersweet (True North #1) by Sarina Bowen — This is another series I’d wanted to get to before BAAE, but now I’m hoping to get to before July.  I did end up reading book 4 of the series and LOVED it, so I’m very excited to start at the beginning.
  8. Neverend (The Noctalis Chronicles #4) by Chelsea M. Cameron — I have the first 3 books of this series in signed paperback, and I’ve been wanting to find out how the series ends forEVER.  I had it on my list of series to complete in 2017, and I failed.  So I need to get this one done for March as well!
  9. Elliott Redeemed (Preload #2) by Scarlett Cole — I read the first book in this series in early 2017 and LOVED it, and yet I managed not to get this NetGalley read before its release in August.  I need to remedy this in 2017.
  10. Truth or Beard (Winston Brothers #1) by Penny Reid — Yet another book I meant to read before BAAE, but now I’m hoping to read before Apollycon in March.

So which books did you mean to get to in 2017, but just didn’t?


11 responses to “Top Ten Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn’t Get To

  1. Carla- You’re going to love Slammed, Six of Crows and The Raven Boys.
    Lenoreo- The Score, Ready to Run, Bittersweet & Truth or Beard are so much fun! I also need to read Happily Ever After.

    • Curly Carla

      It is! I’m not really in to essays but i wanted to try something different and I think I like them now.

  2. I need to read Six of Crows as well! There’s so many good book out there, not enought time in the world to read them all.

    I don’t think I’ve been here before… but I have to ask… your blog’s subtitle… that’s a Zoolander reference, right? I’m not just drawing ridiculous conclusions? đŸ˜›

    • lenoreo

      Amen to not enough time…

      And yes! Ding ding ding!! I don’t think anyone’s ever noticed the Zoolander reference…or at least never pointed it out. We amuse ourselves. đŸ˜‰

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