Stacking the Shelves — October 26th, 2019

Posted October 26, 2019 by lenoreo in Stacking the Shelves / 6 Comments

(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon using Amazon Affiliate links)

Stacking The Shelves is feature/weekly meme created by Tynga’s Reviews (and co-hosted by Reading Reality) in which you share the books you are adding to your shelves, both physical and virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical stores or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

Curly Carla’s Haul

(All Ebooks unless otherwise specified)

Kindle Unlimited:

Lenoreo’s Haul

(All Ebooks unless otherwise specified)

ARCs From Authors/PR Companies:

  • Prose Before Bros (Green Valley Library #3) by Cathy Yardley from Social Butterfly PR — releases November 5th, 2019.  I’ll have a BLOG TOUR review in the week after release (don’t know the date yet)!  I’m SUPER excited for this one.

Preorders That Went Live:

  • The Wallace Girl (Feud #1) by Eliot Scott — released October 15th, 2019.  Eliot Scott is the penname for the duo of Anne Eliot and Ginger Scott, both of which are on my fave authors list.  I think the preorder for this first book in the duet was only 99 cents, so I snagged it.  My reviews will be coming soon!
  • Moonlighter (The Company #1) by Sarina Bowen — released October 22nd, 2019.  I LOVED this book, see my review here.  I also got it as an ARC, but forgot about it in last time’s StS.
  • Broken Girl vs. Fix-it Boy (Forever Love #2) by Jordan Ford — released October 24th, 2019.  I beta read this book, and I have to say I’m loving this series.  I love the uniqueness of it, I love the setting of New Zealand (which is where the author is from, so it feels authentic), and I can’t WAIT for book 3.

New Releases:

  • Not Your Average Friend Zone (Not Your Average: New York #3) by Cassie Mae — rereleased October 7th, 2019.  Formerly titled Crazy About Love, you can see my review here!  New titles, new covers, now indie released (so PAPERBACKS!!!).  This book was dedicated to me, and Alec is tied for #1 book boyfriend for me.  And for the rerelease of this series, the first book, Not Your Average Engagement, is only 99 cents right now!

Borrowed From The Library:

  • Sweet Peril (Sweet #2) by Wendy Higgins, narrated by Erin Mallon — I had this one on hold from the library, and my hold came just as I finished book 1!  But then of course we were in Disney World, so I haven’t gotten very far yet.  My review for book one is coming soon!

Newsletter Freebies:

Got It On Sale:

  • Webley and the World Machine (Hall of Doors #1) by Zachary Chopchinski — I met this author at Penned Con last month, and this series really intrigued me, so I put it on my wishlist.  So when I got an eReaderIQ alert that it was free from its usual $4.99, I one-clicked!  No longer on sale.
  • Maybe This Christmas by Susannah Nix — Can I be honest?  I don’t remember where I heard about this sale…and actually, it was just released, so maybe it should be up under New Releases up there, but whatever.  It sounds super cute, and this author will be at Book Bonanza 2020, and only 99 cents for a Christmas novella?  On it!  Still 99 cents!  Heck, might always be 99 cents?



6 responses to “Stacking the Shelves — October 26th, 2019

    • lenoreo

      Oh dude, that one left me TORN. It’s why I haven’t posted my review yet. Wanna wait at least a week after release. But you know me, I don’t handle drama/angst that well. đŸ˜›

    • Curly Carla

      I’m on the last book in Curse of the Gods. I haven’t started the Evelyn Maynard trilogy yet though.

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