Christmas Kiss by Tammy Andresen

Posted November 14, 2019 by lenoreo in Reviews / 0 Comments

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Christmas Kiss by Tammy AndresenTitle: Christmas Kiss
Author: Tammy Andresen
Series: Accidental Kisses #4
Published by: Indie
Release Date: November 30th 2018
Format: Kindle Book
Pages: 138
Genres: Romance, Contemporary, Holiday
Reading Challenges: Lenoreo's 2019 Beat the Backlist Challenge, Lenoreo's 2019 HoHoHo Readathon, Lenoreo's 2019 Monthly Motif Challenge
Find it: GoodreadsAmazon
My rating: three-half-stars



One look at Evan playing his drums and I fall hard. Instant crush. That is until he opens his mouth. Every snarky comment he makes, has me so mad that I just…well I really want… he deserves a good… kiss?


She is so beautiful that my teeth ache which is why I have to protect myself. Girls like Kay have always spelled heartbreak for me. The more I push her away, however, the worse I feel. And when she steps under the mistletoe, I can’t help myself. I just have to collect one little kiss. Which is a terrible idea. Didn't high school teach me anything?

This is a sweet and clean standalone romance with a lovely HEA. Enjoy!

My Review:

3.5 stars — There were a lot of cute elements in this book that I really enjoyed, but ultimately they were overshadowed by characters behaving badly.

So what do I mean by that?  Well Evan is kind of a dick.  And unfortunately really immature as well.  At times I found it refreshing that these college aged characters weren’t all sophisticated and worldly, because not all of us were like that in University.  But at other times they had the maturity of preteens.  I’m not huge on jealous guys…I don’t find that to be an admirable trait.  And Evan didn’t ever really get over that.  He took a shitty high school experience and became an asshole as a result, basically learning nothing from the experience.  Now, I get that part of the schtick of this story is that Kay helps him see what he has become and at the end of the story he’s sort of changed and opened his eyes.  And I saw some of that, I did…it’s why I gave it a half star bump.  But it wasn’t enough for me…a lot of the time I felt like he just thought Kay was an exception, and that it’s still acceptable to judge the “pretty/popular” folks.  Basically I wanted more from that lesson.

Also?  He took FOREVER to get there, and was AWFUL to Kay in the meantime, jumping to conclusions at every turn.  He’s just not book boyfriend material for me.

Kay was pretty sweet though.  I appreciated that she took similar high school angst and became a better person (in general).  I liked that she had moments where she developed a backbone and stood up for herself.

The two of them together had cute moments for sure…but I just couldn’t get past jerk Evan I guess.  Not enough to really fall in love with them together.

And Seth was definitely a jerk as well…very selfish.

All in all there just felt like a lot of judgement in this book…and while that’s definitely the way a lot of people view life, I’m trying to be better about not judging people who have different interests.  The focus on Evan’s high school should have been how mean those people were, and not have all that stuff about them being vain or without depth…I don’t know, I don’t know how to explain myself.  It just set off my kindness meter in the wrong direction.

So yeah.  A book with a lot of potential that just didn’t match for me in the end.  Which is too bad, because I really enjoyed the moments that were sweet.

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