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My Review:Title: The Treble With Men
Author: Piper Sheldon
Series: Scorned Women's Society #2
Published by: Smartypants Romance
Release Date: April 7th, 2020
Format: eARC
Pages: 344
Genres: Romance, Contemporary, Retelling
Source: Smartypants Romance
Reading Challenges: Lenoreo's 2020 Diversity Reading Challenge, Lenoreo's 2020 Monthly Motif Challenge, Lenoreo's 2020 New Release Challenge, Lenoreo's 2020 Retellings Reading Challenge, Lenoreo's COYER Quarantine Edition
Find it: Goodreads ✩ Amazon ✩ IndieBound ✩ Book Depository
My rating:![]()
Blurb:As far as Green Valley is concerned, Kim Dae disappeared into the Wraiths a decade ago. They were sort of right. Kim has spent her life since Jethro fighting her curious nature and trying to blend into the background. Unfortunately for her, a mysterious Maestro comes to town and takes quick notice of her for reasons unknown to anybody.
The masked conductor, known simply as Devlin, was already a source of much gossip thanks to his reputation for getting fired. Now, his sudden interest in the quiet fourth chair cellist has added fuel to the rumor fire. The new conductor of the symphony needs to learn to control his temper and finish his latest musical masterpiece and only the reluctant star of his symphony can help him do that. If Devlin can’t convince Kim to help to finish his latest composition he’ll lose everything.
Can Devlin and Kim compose without losing composure?
I received a free copy through Smartypants Romance in exchange for an honest and unbiased review/opinion.
4.5 stars — OK, I was totally not expecting a Phantom of the Opera retelling!! That delighted me. I don’t know if it’s bad to ruin that, because it occurred to me slowly, more and more, as the book went on…but then again, it could bring people to the book who might not have taken a second glance…so I’m going for it. There were a lot of amazing parallels, it was really fun to see them play out. I’m not a huge fan or anything, but it is a great story, and so was this retelling.
These characters put me through the ringer though! While I loved them both, I will admit that their flaws were hard to take at times, and I experienced a LOT of frustration throughout the book. The reveals about both of their pasts came gradually throughout the book, and while mostly I found that flowed nicely, occasionally it was drawn out too long for my liking.
I had a hard time initially grasping Kim and who she was, and why she was the way she was. I wouldn’t have minded learning about what happened that summer by at least halfway. It would have allowed me to understand Kim better, and I think that would have helped me connect with her more. I knew something had happened (more than just the drug addiction) because it was hinted at. But without that story, I found the level at which Kim was paralyzed about making a decision was just too far and I lost my patience with her. Had I known the story earlier, I would have understood better.
Despite that, I still felt for all she had gone through, and truly felt her fear (even if I didn’t understand it). I loved seeing glimpses of the Kim she was before, and how it would pop out at the most unexpected times. She could be fierce, and passionate, and I LOVED those moments. I loved the way she saw music in her life, and how she got an amazing gift back as Devlin helped her grow in this book. I loved that I could see her growth, and her setbacks, and I felt like it was natural and believable. I may have *wanted* her to grow faster, but that’s just my impatience talking, because I knew all that she would gain from it. I also loved how quirky she was — I wasn’t expecting that, but she made me giggle.
Devlin was actually harder for me. There was SO MUCH I LOVED about him, but his secrets and his growth were even more frustrating than Kim’s at times. I felt like in the end I didn’t get all that I wanted from his story. I think part of the problem is that he’s based on the Phantom, and the Phantom is an unstable guy (not to mention his obsession is not healthy, no matter how romantic some might see it). I think I wanted more explanation and depth from Devlin. I appreciated that we didn’t have to go too long before finding out why he wore the mask, but I was also a bit underwhelmed by the reason. And again, part of the reason is that we didn’t get the WHOLE explanation until much later in the book. I think I would have appreciated knowing those nuances earlier, so I could have connected with him even more.
I ADORED how unique he was as a book character. He was undeniably talented and soooo passionate about music. I appreciated that he wasn’t an alpha dog, but more insecure and nerdy in some ways. I LOVED the way he broke the mold from the stereotypical guy — I found him incredibly endearing. My biggest complaint with him is that we didn’t get to see him get help with his anger management. He was extremely volatile, and I wanted him to get help learning how to manage his emotions.
Obviously I adored Kim and Devlin together, even if I wanted to smack them both at times. I loved the way they connected over music and brought out the best in one another. I loved the way it was a slow burn, and we got to see them really connect before things moved on. And I definitely felt their chemistry!
One of the things that surprised me was how much I loved the Scorned Women’s Society. I adored how they were all so different, but that didn’t mean they weren’t there for one another. I love groups of girlfriends like that.
I also adored many of the other secondary characters, particularly both Kim and Devlin’s families (though Kim’s didn’t really come into play until the end). And equally, I fucking hated Roddy.
I also really appreciated a certain cameo in this story — it was perfect, and really added that cherry on top.
So yeah. I know a lot of this review probably seems pretty critical, but I think I get that way when trying to explain why a book I sincerely adored and captivated me just didn’t get 5 stars (or in this case, why I will be rounding down). Also, apparently sometimes I just have a lot of shit to say.
This is my FAVORITE cover for this entire spin-off series. It’s so flashy and cool! I didn’t realize this was kind of a Phantom retelling. That’s so cool! I’m glad you enjoyed it despite the whole Kim thing.