Down the TBR Hole — September 11th, 2020

Posted September 11, 2020 by lenoreo in Down the TBR Hole / 2 Comments

(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon using Amazon Affiliate links)

Down The TBR Hole is a meme created by Lia @ Lost in a Story that revolves around cleansing your TBR of all those books you’re never going to read and sort through it all to know what’s actually on there.

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

This is all Lillian @Mom With a Reading Problem‘s fault.  She started doing this, and I couldn’t help but look at my Kindle, and all the titles that I don’t even remember what they’re about, and I just figured maybe I should start the CLEANSE.  It’s about the only CLEANSE you’ll see me participate in.  I’m going to be focussing entirely on my Kindle book problem at the moment, since it’s the craziest (and it’s what features most prominently in my Goodreads TBR).  And I’ve decided if a book goes, then I’m deleting it from my Kindle cloud library too — GONE!  Poof!  JUST DO IT!  My internal hoarder is screaming right now.

As of writing this post, my current Goodreads TBR shelf has 2135 books on it.  No, that’s not a typo.  You see why this meme might be good for me.  These first few are going to be super easy, b/c when I first got my Kindle I went crazy with free books.

Thirst (Ava Delaney #1) by Claire Farrell — I wouldn’t call myself a huge vampire fan, and I just know that I have other vampire books I’m more interested in.

Verdict: Goes

Throwaway (Unlikely Heroes and Heroines #1) by Heather Huffman — I…have no idea why I would have one-clicked this one. Like, it just doesn’t appeal to me at all.

Verdict: Goes

Venice Vampyr (Venice Vampyr #1) by Tina Folsom — Again, not hugely into Vampires. And I reread the Scanguards series last year from Ms. Folsom, and while I enjoyed it, I wasn’t blown away. I figure if I’m going to read more from her, I would rather continue on with that sereis. This is going to go for the whole series (partially because I got the first 3 in a box set).

Verdict: Goes

Summer Loving by Bella Andre & Tina Folsom — I think I probably got this set purely for the Venice Vampyr book, and then I ended up getting the box set of the first 3, which makes this pointless.

Verdict: Goes

Final Affair (Venice Vampyr #2) by Tina Folsom — See above.

Verdict: Goes

Sinful Treasure (Venice Vampyr #3) by Tina Folsom — See above.

Verdict: Goes

Enchant (Rae Wilder #3) by Penelope Fletcher — This is a series that I read a long time ago, but at the time truly loved. I’ve always wanted to get back to it, and I’m hoping to this year!

Verdict: Stays

Daughter of Earth (Tales of the Guardian #2) by Brianna J. Merrill — I wonder if I got this second book before I actually read the first, because I only rated that one 3 stars. Not only that, but it looks like this author disappeared and never finished the series, so I have no problems letting this go.

Verdict: Goes

The Right Path (Dark Futures #2) by Debra L. Martin & David W. Small — Another one of those books I’m not sure why I snagged, even at free. It sounds okay, but doesn’t blow me away.

Verdict: Goes

Abducted (Lizzy Gardner #1) by T.R. Ragan — I’m not a huge mystery/suspense reader…or rather I’m fussy about it. And I know I have others I’m more interested in.

Verdict: Goes

The Running Tally

Books Removed to Date


Books Kept to Date


New Total on TBR



2 responses to “Down the TBR Hole — September 11th, 2020

  1. Lillian @ Mom With a Reading Problem

    2126 😳 Girl I’d die with that number. But then again I’ll be doing my Kindle once I finish with Goodreads and it’s more than a little daunting….my number is definitely up there too 😅

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