We’re back for another year!! This challenge is focused on finally finishing those series that you’ve started but not yet completed. It was previously hosted by Bea’s Book Nook, but we’ve been hosting it since 2018.
January to March Link-Up
April to June Link-Up
July to September Link-Up
October to December Link-Up
While we’re pretty lax about how you wish to set up this challenge for yourself, we do have a few guidelines to follow.
- The challenge will run from January 1st, 2021 to December 31st, 2021. Books must be read during this time frame to count. Sign up is open from now until December 1st, 2021, so you may join even just for the last month of the year.
- Series can be already completed as well as still ongoing. For ongoing series, the goal is to catch up to the most recent book published by the end of 2021.
- We don’t care if you have only 1 book or 10 books to read in order to finish your series, as long as you’ve started the series before 2021 (ie read at least one book in the series), it counts. Re-reads are not required.
- Any format and length of book counts – print, ebook, audio, ARC, etc.
- Series can be any length (even if it’s just a Duet).
- Crossovers from other challenges are totally acceptable!
- Reviews are not required, but highly encouraged.
How to Play:
- Declare your intentions to participate in this challenge somewhere on the internet!! You do not need to be a blogger to participate, there are many ways to declare. You could write a blog post, create a reading challenge page, create a Goodreads shelf containing series you hope to finish, post about it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
- Some things you could include (but that aren’t required):
- A link to this page so that others may find us and join the fun as well (feel free to download the button at the top to use in your posts).
- A list of series you hope to read for this challenge. You could even get fancy and list the length of the series, or the books you’ve already read, etc.
- The level you are aiming for.
- Sign up for the challenge using the link up below, and link directly to where you’ve declared your intentions (ie to the specific blog post, the goodreads shelf, the facebook post, etc).
- We will be posting quarterly link ups for you to add links to your reviews or any wrap-up/overview posts you wish to share.
- Go forth and READ!! And have fun!!
- Use the hashtag #FinishingTheSeries2021 on any social media to keep up with other participants!
The Reward:
Uh…your own sense of pride in achieving a goal? Sorry folks, we’re not actually that motivated by prizes ourselves, so we’re just offering bragging rights. But we can offer you some pretty graphics to either declare your goal or to use as a badge once achieved!
The Levels:
We offer you 3 different “Celebrity” levels of achievement for this reading challenge:
C-List Series Finisher ⇒ Complete 1-4 series.
B-List Series Finisher ⇒ Complete 5-8 series.
A-List Series Finisher ⇒ Complete 9+ series.
Sign Up!
For Link Title, please enter your name (optionally Name @Blog Name).
Grab Our Button:
I am so in on this one! Thanks for hosting
Excited to do this one again this year. I posted on my blog https://titlesurfingwithtraci.blogspot.com/2020/12/finishing-series-challenge.html
[…] Finishing the Series. This challenge is focused on finally finishing those series that you’ve started but not yet […]
I really need to do this one as I’m lost in the middle of SOOOO many series! I’ll come back when I figure out which challenges I’m going to take on in 2021 – 15 isn’t too many, right? LOL.
Just FYI, I listed this challenge on my new reading challenge round-up blog, readyforareadingchallenge.blogspot.com
I’m having issues getting the images loaded into my blog. Help!
[…] Here the challenge post if you want to join. I’m going for C-LIST SERIES FINISHER ⇒ COMPLETE 1-4 SERIES again and I’m not stating any goal. […]
[…] 2020 ho terminato 2 serie e letto alcuni libri di altre progredendo quindi nella mia scalata. Qui la sfida con tutte le sue regole, ovviamente in inglese. Cercherò di raggiungere anche nel 2021: […]
Question, What If I don’t have the complete series? For instance, One series I am reading has 12 books in it. I have 11 out of the 12. Do I need to buy the 12th book before Jan. 1. For that series to count? (I am on book 2)
You definitely don’t need to own all the books prior to starting the challenge! Sorry I’m so late replying…
[…] Finishing the Series Challenge @ Celebrity Readers – This challenge is focused on finally finishing those series that you’ve started but not yet completed. […]
I’m in with A-List goal again this year. This challenge is “nearest and dearest” to me of all my challenges. Catching up on series by favorite authors is how/why I got started with reading challenges.
[…] 2021 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge […]
[…] 2021 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge […]
[…] 2021 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge […]
I’m just hoping you’re going to be doing this one again in 2022!
Yes I am!! I’m just apparently SUPER slow this year. I’m trying to get a sign up post ready for December, cross your fingers for my motivation.
[…] Finishing the Series. This challenge is focused on finally finishing those series that you’ve started but not yet […]