Down the TBR Hole — April 30th, 2021

Posted April 30, 2021 by lenoreo in Down the TBR Hole / 3 Comments

(Images link to Goodreads, Titles link to Amazon using Amazon Affiliate links)

Down The TBR Hole is a meme created by Lia @ Lost in a Story that revolves around cleansing your TBR of all those books you’re never going to read and sort through it all to know what’s actually on there.

It works like this:

  • Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
  • Order on ascending date added.
  • Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if youre feeling adventurous) books. Of course, if you do this weekly, you start where you left off the last time.
  • Read the synopses of the books
  • Decide: keep it or should it go?

This is all Lillian @Mom With a Reading Problem‘s fault.  She started doing this, and I couldn’t help but look at my Kindle, and all the titles that I don’t even remember what they’re about, and I just figured maybe I should start the CLEANSE.  It’s about the only CLEANSE you’ll see me participate in.  I’m going to be focussing entirely on my Kindle book problem at the moment, since it’s the craziest (and it’s what features most prominently in my Goodreads TBR).  And I’ve decided if a book goes, then I’m deleting it from my Kindle cloud library too — GONE!  Poof!  JUST DO IT!  My internal hoarder is screaming right now.

As of writing this post, my current Goodreads TBR shelf has 1857 books on it.  No, that’s not a typo.  You see why this meme might be good for me.  I’ve also decided that if I get rid of the first book in a series, and I have other books in that series, I’m going to get rid of them at the same time instead of waiting until they show up.

Iniquity (Premonition #5) by Amy A. Bartol — I remember LOVING the first book, but never making it past book 3. I really want to finish this series, but I have a feeling it will eventually go. BUT the narrator for the audiobooks is one I love, and they’re at the library, so I’m going to give those a chance before I make up my mind.

Verdict: Stays

Deliver Me From Darkness (Paladin Warriors #1) by Tes Hilaire — Eh, just doesn’t pull me in.

Verdict: Goes

Painted Blind by Michelle A. Hansen — Looks like a Psyche/Cupid retelling, but it just doesn’t pull me in.

Verdict: Goes

Sanctum (Guards of the Shadowlands #1) by Sarah Fine — OK, I’ll admit it…I’m intrigued. Fine, it stays for now.

Verdict: Stays

Make Me Yours (Unravel Me #2) by Kendall Ryan — OK, the reviews of the hero totally tempted me, but I think I would have a problem with the heroine…and I think I’d rather try a newer book by this author as they usually just get better. Also, my Kindle thinks I already read it but I don’t remember it and didn’t rate it? Not a good sign.

Verdict: Goes

Across the Galaxy by Heather Hildenbrand — OK, here’s the thing…when I tried to find this on Amazon, it said not available. I thought that was weird. After a LOT of digging I found out it was republished under the title The Girl Who Called the Stars. But the author chose not to use the same ASIN, nor make a note of it anywhere on the original book’s Goodreads or Amazon pages (though it is at least marked as such on the new book’s Goodreads page)…and that unreasonably annoys me. So it’s going on principle. *snort*

Verdict: Goes

Towards Yesterday by Paul Antony Jones — This was hard to decide, b/c the premise sounds fascinating…but also a lot complicated. And I’m just not sure I see myself reaching for it.

Verdict: Goes

Perfect Chemistry (Perfect Chemistry #1) by Simone Elkeles — A lot of my reader friends really enjoyed it, and the blurb still pulls me in so it stays.

Verdict: Stays

the One (The Portal Trilogy #1) by Heather Self — It’s listed as a trilogy on Goodreads and there are no other books almost 10 years later…yeah no.

Verdict: Goes

Spill Over by Jolene Perry — Now titled What a Kiss Is. I love Ms. Perry, but I’m not pulled in by this one.

Verdict: Goes

The Running Tally

Books Removed to Date


Books Kept to Date


New Total on TBR



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