Welcome to the 2023 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge link-up for the whole year! Here you can link-up reviews for any books you’ve read towards completing your serieses (it doesn’t just have to be the final book in the series). You could also link-up any update posts you make.
- Please sign up for the challenge before posting links to your reviews/updates. Sign up for the challenge here until December 1st. And look for our 2024 sign up coming in December!
- This link-up will be open until January 2nd, 2024, feel free to add your links throughout the year as your posts go up.
- Make sure your links go directly to your reviews, not to your blog/Goodreads page/YouTube channel/Insta account, etc. We want everyone participating to be able to easily find your reviews!
- For the purposes of clarity, please post your links using the following format in the “Name” field:
- for UPDATE type: @your name/blog name. (example @Celebrity Readers)
- for REVIEW type: [BOOK TITLE] @your name/blog name. (example Grin & Beard It @Celebrity Readers)
- When sharing your reviews on social media, don’t forget to use the #FinishingTheSeries2023 hashtag, so we can all find your reviews. Please feel free to use the hashtag for any updates as well.
[…] 2023 Finishing the Series Reading Challenge — Review Link-Up […]
[…] start at the B-List level and try to finish more series, but only time will tell. Head on over the Celebrity Readers to get all the details and link up your sign up post as well as reviews throughout the […]
I just realized that I have not put in any book titles with my reviews. How can I go back and do that?
You can’t…my hubby made this link up thing for me. If you give me a list of books, I can manually update your entries I think? Just give me the link up number and title!
1. Ship Wrecked
3. Broken Falcon
11. Well Traveled
12. Nine Liars
14. Finlay Donovan Jumps the Gun
23. State of Shock
Thank you!
[…] start at the B-List level and try to finish more series, but only time will tell. Head on over the Celebrity Readers to get all the details and link up your sign up post as well as reviews throughout the […]