Genre: Young Adult

A Kingdom of Exiles (Outcast #1) by S.B. Nova

A Kingdom of Exiles (Outcast #1) by S.B. Nova

This book satisfies by Rebellion Space on Science Fiction vs. Fantasy Bingo (#SFvFBingo) being hosted by Curiosity Killed the Bookworm. At first it started out slow but then I couldn’t get enough of it and I can’t wait for the next one to come out.  The title called to me and the beautiful cover sold […]

Carlos’ Peace (Judgement of the Six Companion Series #5) by Melissa Haag

Carlos’ Peace (Judgement of the Six Companion Series #5) by Melissa Haag

Favorite Quote:  She glanced at the boy, who was still sitting on the ground and rubbing his throat.  I stood as he gave her a thumbs-up.  She gave me a flat look when she turned back to me. “If he has more bruises from that, I’m coming after you.” I hoped he had bruises. Originally […]

Something in the Way (Something in the Way #1) by Jessica Hawkins

Something in the Way (Something in the Way #1) by Jessica Hawkins

At first I was digging the book because I thought Manning just wanted to be Lake’s totally platonic friend.  I was excited about this kind of relationship being written because most books I read don’t have that aspect. But ALL three of these main characters let me down in a HUGE way! Manning  was creeperific. […]