Category: Series I am reading

Love and Libations (Holidays and Heroes #2) by Patricia D. Eddy

Love and Libations (Holidays and Heroes #2) by Patricia D. Eddy

I really liked this book.  It was better than the first one, which I enjoyed a lot as well. This story was way more emtionally intense due to the domestic abuse.  I suppose I should warn folks with triggers here.  It gets pretty graphic.  I was surprised how much I connected with these characters because […]

Pestilence (The Four Horsemen #1) by Laura Thalassa

Pestilence (The Four Horsemen #1) by Laura Thalassa

Favorite Quotes: The horsemen rode to the four corners of the world, and in their wake machines broke, fuses blew. The Internet crashed and computers died. Engines failed and planes fell from the sky. Bit by bit, all the world’s great innovations ceased to be, and the globe slid into darkness. This is what Pestilence […]

Fury Focused (Of Fates and Furies #2) by Melissa Haag

Fury Focused (Of Fates and Furies #2) by Melissa Haag

Favorite Quote: “You are the most beautiful thing in my life.  A perfection I never thought the gods could achieve,” he said. “You’re not just saying that to get in my panties, are you,” I said, already knowing the answer. “No.  It’s not the truth because I want you; I want you because it’s the […]

Fury Frayed (Of Fates and Furies #1) by Melissa Haag

Fury Frayed (Of Fates and Furies #1) by Melissa Haag

Favorite Quote: “What do you mean we’re here?” I asked.  “Where is here?” “Home,” she said, wading through the grass to the front porch.  The boards held her weight and didn’t send her plummeting straight to hell like I’d hoped. Gods this book was everything I wanted it to be.  I’m a huge lover of […]